Kinesiology, Recreation & Sport: Full-time Faculty & Staff

- Associate Professor - Exercise Science & Kinesiology (M.S), Director - Biomechanics/S&C Laboratory
- Smith Stadium East 1062
- (270) 745-6034
- Curriculum Vitae
PhD: University of Georgia
MEd: University of Georgia
BSEd: Georgia Southwestern State University
EXS 436 – Strength & Conditioning
EXS 446 – Biomechanics
EXS 496 – Internship in Exercise Science
KIN 512 – Advanced Strength & Conditioning
KIN 524 – Applied Biomechanics
Research Areas of Interest:
Biomechanics of strength and conditioning, Impact of footwear on performance, Influence ofunanticipated events during sports movements on lower extremity biomechanics, Effects of strength and conditioning on performance
Selected Publications:
Morris, C.E., Tolusso, D.V., & Arnett, S.W. (In Press) A Retrospective Evaluation of Physical Fitness Maintenance in Members of a Southeastern United States City Professional Firefighting Department. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics.
Morris, C.E., Arnett, S.W., & Winchester, L.J. (In Press) Comparing Physical Fitness in Career vs. Volunteer Firefighters. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Morris, C.E., Arnett, S.W., & Winchester, L.J. (In Press) Comparing Health Status and Exposure Risk in Career vs. Voluntary Firefighters. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Stone, W.J., Schafer, M.A., Arnett, S.W., & Lyons, T.S. (2020) Post Exercise Hypotension Following Concurrent Exercise: Does Order of Exercise Modality Matter? International Journal of Exercise Science, 13(2): 36-48.
Yom, J.P., Owens, T., Arnett, S.W., Beebe, J., & Son, V. (2019) The Effects of an Unanticipated Side-cut on Lower Extremity Kinematics and Ground Reaction Forces during a Drop Landing. Sports Biomechanics, 18(4): 414-425.
Falls, D.G., Shake, M., Norris, E., Arnett, S.W., Taylor, J., & Crandall, K.J. (2018). Bingocize: Utilizing a Mobile Application to Improve Gait in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. AmericanJournal of Recreation Therapy, 17(2): 9-19.
Morris, C.E., Winchester, L.J., Hussey, A.J., Tomes, A.S., Neal, W.A., Wilcoxen, D.M., Chander, H., & Arnett, S.W. (2018). Effect of a Simulated Tactical Occupation Task On Physiological KRS Faculty Website Update Strain Index, Stress, and Inflammation. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 26(1): 204-209.
Morris, C.E., Winchester, L.J., Hussey, A.J., Tomes, A.S., Neal, W.A., Wilcoxen, D.M., Chander, H., & Arnett, S.W. (2018). Effect of a Simulated Tactical Occupation Stressor and Task Complexity on Mental Focus and Related Physiological Parameters. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, July, 66; 200-205.
Stone, W.J., Arnett, S.W., & Hoover, D.H. (2017). Lower Extremity Kinematics of ACLRepaired and Non-Injured Females When Using Knee Savers®. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, October, 12(5); 737-746.
Sobrero, G., Arnett, S.W., Schafer, M.A., Stone, W.J., Tolbert, T.A., Salyer-Funk, A., Crandall, J., Farley, L.B., Brown, J., Lyons, S., Esslinger, F.T., Esslinger, K., & Maples, J. (2017). A Comparison of High Intensity Functional Training and Circuit Training on Health and Performance Variables in Women: A Pilot Study. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 25(1); 1-10.
Selected Presentations:
Dolan, A., Arnett, S., Baker, K., & Stone, W. A Taekwondo Intervention in Adults with Down Syndrome. 2021 Online meeting of the Southeast Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine
Tolusso. D.V., Dobbs, W.C., Arnett, S.W., Esco, M.R. The Influence of Fatigue on the Intrasession Reliability of Performance Indices Following a High-Volume Back Squatting Protocol. 43rd Annual Conference and Exhibition of the National Strength and Conditioning Association 2020, Las Vegas, NV.
Green, G., Henry, S., Otto, S., & Arnett, S.W. Effects of Versa-Lifts on Back Squat Kinetics and Kinematics. 50th Annual WKU Student Research Conference 2020, Bowling Green, KY.
Morris, C.E. & Arnett, S.W. Physical Fitness Maintenance in Members of a Southeastern United States City Professional Firefighting Department. 2020 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, CA.
Dolan, A.M., Wiczynski, T., Dispennette, K., Jackson, J., Neelly, K., Arnett, S.W. Effects of Maximalist Running Shoes on Gait Mechanics. 2020 meeting of the Southeast Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, Jacksonville, FL.
Mintz, J.A., Morris, C.E., & Arnett, S.W. Physical Fitness Maintenance in Members of a Professional Firefighting Department in Southeastern United States City. 2020 meeting of the Southeast Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, Jacksonville, FL.
Gerking, T.J., Neal, W., Schafer, M.A., Winchester, L., & Arnett, S.W. Effects of Variable Resistance Training on Kinetic and Kinematic Outcomes During a Heavy Conventional Deadlift Exercise. 42nd Annual Conference and Exhibition of the National Strength and Conditioning Association 2019, Washington, DC.
Morris, C.E., Arnett, S.W., Jackson, A.J., & Winchester, L.J. Comparing physical fitness KRS Faculty Website Update in career vs. voluntary firefighters. 2019 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL.
Jackson, A.J., Morris, C.E., Winchester, L.J., & Arnett, S.W. Comparing physical fitness in career vs. voluntary firefighters. 2019 meeting of the Southeast Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC. Coffell, J. & Arnett, S.W. The effects of cluster sets on the deadlift exercise. 41stAnnual Conference and Exhibition of the National Strength and Conditioning Association 2018, Indianapolis, IN.
Hussey, A.J., Morris, C.E., Winchester, L.J., Tomes, A.S., Neal, W.A., Wilcoxen, D.M., Anderson, M.N., Lucas, D.N., Chander, H., and Arnett, S.W. Effect of a simulated tactical occupation stressor on reaction time. 2018 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, MN.
Morris, C.E., Winchester, L.J., Hussey, A.J., Tomes, A.S., Neal, W.A., Anderson, M.N., Lucas, D.N., Chander, H., and Arnett, S.W. Effect of a simulated tactical occupation stressor on physiological strain index and blood pressure. 2018 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, MN.
Neal, W.A., Morris, C.E., Winchester, L.J., Hussey, A.J., Tomes, A.S., Wilcoxen, D.M., Anderson, M.N., Lucas, D.N., Chander, H., and Arnett, S.W. Effect of a simulated tactical occupation stressor on perceived exertion and blood lactate. 2018 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, MN.
Tomes, A.S., Morris, C.E., Winchester, L.J., Hussey, A.J., Neal, W.A., Wilcoxen, D.M., Anderson, M.N., Lucas, D.N., Chander, H., and Arnett, S.W. Effect of a simulated tactical occupation stressor on immune system markers of physiological stress and inflammation. 2018 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, MN.
Wiczynski, T., Badinger, J., Morris, C.E., VanWye, R., Arnett, S.W., & Winchester, L.J. Blood Flow Restriction During Barbell Squats does not Alter Performance or Muscular Damage. 2018 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, MN.
Morris, CE, Arnett, SW, & Winchester, LJ. Comparing health status and exposure risk in career vs. voluntary firefighters. University of Cincinnati Education and Research Center Pilot Research Project Grant Symposium, Cincinnati, OH
Vondy, R., Nobles, C., Hoover, D., & Arnett, S.W. The Effects of Two Different Techniques on Firefighter Body-Drag Performance. 40th Annual Conference And Exhibition of the National Strength and Conditioning Association 2017, Las Vegas, NV.
Crandall, K.J., Falls, D., Shake, M., Norris, E., Arnett, S.W., Dispennette, K., & Mathews, R.P. A Mobile Application for Improving Gait Characteristics in Community Dwelling Older Adults. 2017 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO.
Yom, J.P., Mettler, J., Arnett, S.W., & Simpson, K.J. Effect of Fatigue on Lower Extremity Biomechanics during Repeated Vertical Jumps in College-Aged Females. 2017 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO.
Yom, J.P., Arnett, S.W., & Simpson, K.J. Effect of Limb Dominance on Landing Biomechanics Prior to a Cutting Movement. 2016 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Boston, MA.
NSCA Graduate Research Grant – Master’s, Faculty Sponsor, National Strength and Conditioning Association, 2018-2019, $3475.00 (Not Funded)
CHHS QTAG, PI, Western Kentucky University, 2017-2018, $2400 (Funded) Education and Research Center Pilot Research Project Grant, Co-Investigator, University of Cincinnati, NIOSH, 2017-2018, $6255 (Funded)
NSCA Graduate Research Grant – Master’s, Faculty Sponsor, National Strength and Conditioning Association, 2017-2018, $4810.96 (Not Funded)
WKU FUSE Grant, Faculty Sponsor, Western Kentucky University, 2016-2017, $3000 (Funded)
WKU Graduate Council, Committee Member, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky: 2019-present
WKU Graduate Council Curriculum Committee, Chair, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky: 2021-present
WKU Graduate Council Curriculum Committee, Committee Member, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky: 2019-2021
International Journal of Exercise Science, Editorial Board member: 2007-present
NSCA Kentucky, State Advisory Board member, National Strength and Conditioning Association: 2010-present.