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National Student Exchange

Do you want to study in the Southwest?



NSE participation is a privilege, not a right.


Schedule an Advising Appointment Here



Eligibility for WKU students is based on the following guidelines, which apply at the time you submit your application, 

the semester preceding your exchange,and while you are on exchange.

If at any time during the exchange process, you are not meeting these requirements, WKU and/or your 
host school can place conditions on or cancel your exchange.

Some schools have their own requirements, so get to know them on the Campus Profile link at NSE.org.

  • full-time undergraduate enrolled at WKU
  • minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • minimum of 24 hours completed on your WKU transcript
  • good academic standing
  • no incomplete grades from previous terms
  • no current or pending probationary status due to academic dishonesty or misconduct
  • no outstanding financial obligations
  • no current or pending probationary or disciplinary action for violation of codes of student conduct
  • must not be on probation, parole, or have any pending legal judgments

See NSE Eligibility Requirements


Exchange Types


Full academic year, fall or spring semester to a NSE member school.

Standard exchange to a set of schools in Canada.  A passport is required.

Learn More


What Universities Partner with NSE?

The current NSE directory on NSE's website is the first place to look. It presents the schools, their locations, descriptions and restrictions. Review each school's page carefully, being sure to note information about academic program offerings, housing/meal plan options, and other fees that may be applicable to your exchange. 

You must consult with the Study Away NSE Coordinator regularly as you identify schools that interest you.


Make sure you meet all deadlines!

This is particularly important for your exchange since placement will be completed well in advance of your arrival at your exchange school. You should determine if your host school’s housing and meal plan are higher than WKU’s (estimates available in the NSE Directory). Transportation will also increase the cost of your exchange. As soon as you are placed and have specific figures, you may submit a statement listing any increases, including travel expenses, to Financial Aid. This could increase the amount of aid for which you are eligible.


NSE Experience Vlog Video Preview



Contact Us!

 Apply Now!

Application Deadlines

  • Deadline For Spring 2022:
    November 1, 2021
  • Priority For Academic Year 2022-2023:
    February 21, 2022
  • Priority For Fall 2022:
    February 21, 2022
  • Priority For Spring 2023:
    February 21, 2022
    Individual exchange options vary on deadlines
    and choices become more limited the longer you wait.

Advising and Guidance

  • For individuals or groups to get you rolling with the NSE process, set up an appointment with the WKU NSE Coordinator.
  • Office: HCIC 1014

    Phone: 270-745-4162




Connect with National Student Exchange


 Last Modified 5/27/21