National Student Exchange
After your placement is accepted by your host school, we move into the next phase.
The NSE Coordinator will set up a meeting with you to go over the next steps.
Course Transfer Form
You need some guarantee that the courses you complete on exchange will fit into your degree program. Therefore, before leaving WKU, you are responsible for completing a written advising agreement with the assistance of your academic advisor and completing a course transfer form. You should select all the potential courses you might take during your period of exchange. For flexibility, identify two or three times as many courses as you will actually take.
The Transfer Equivalency Form needs to be completed for each course you need to transfer back to WKU. Courses from same department may be on one form. Different departments need their own form.
The Department Head/Chair must sign the form agreeing that satisfactorily completed courses will fit into your degree program in the manner determined. A copy of the signed transfer form should be retained by you and your advisor.
Without a signed Transfer Form before exchange, WKU may not accept the work you completed at your host college or university. Any deviation from your advising agreement should be approved with your advisor before enrollment at your host institution.
Registration and Course Access
After your placement is set, you will receive registration information from your host campus. It is important that you follow instructions and deadlines provided by your host NSE Coordinator. Registration in courses is based on availability and offerings and cannot be guaranteed.
Watch carefully for your award letter from WKU.
If you have been granted Federal Work Study (FWS), understand that you must decline it. FWS is not transferable to other institutions. If exchanging on Home Payment, ask about an increase in other forms of aid (e.g., loans, grants) when you decline your work study. When your financial aid arrives at WKU, it will apply first to WKU tuition. Then, any excess will be posted as residual funds, and this excess may be used to pay your other expenses.
If exchanging on Host Payment, your financial aid will be processed through your host insitution. Do not also accept federal aid money from WKU for the semester(s) that you are on exchange.
Regardless of payment plan, we recommend setting up an appointment with your WKU financial aid advisor after placement to have any questions answered or to get recommendations.