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National Student Exchange

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The processing of your application and decision on your participation in NSE are the responsibility of Western Kentucky University. If it is determined that you are eligible to participate, the potential exchange campuses will consider you on a space available basis. Most placement decisions are made during the second week in March and include placements for the fall, spring, or full academic year.


NSE Conference Placement Procedure

First, we attempt to place students at their first choice school. If placement at your first choice school is unsuccessful, then we go to your second choice, and so on.

Ranking Procedure

If students have chosen the same university as their first choice, the WKU NSE Coordinator will rank applicants in order by their first choice school.

Ranking factors

WKU cumulative GPA; complete and detailed application (including all personal statements and recommendations); deadline compliance; class year; and other criteria determined in the interview.


Placement Notification

WKU's NSE Coordinator will notify you of your placement shortly after the placement conference. You must accept or decline your placement within five (5) days of notification. You will be sent registration and housing information directly from the host school. If you have not received information from your host school within two weeks after the confirmation deadline, contact your host exchange coordinator directly.

All questions concerning information about your host school should be addressed to the NSE host coordinator. You can obtain the name and address of that person from the WKU NSE Coordinator.


Post-Conference Placements

Apply for Exchange AFTER the placement conference

Students may apply for a placement after the placement conference, but the options become more and more limited. 

And ... contact us right away so we can check if your choices are available for the Plan you want.


Connect with National Student Exchange


 Last Modified 3/19/19