Current Students
WKU uses Degree Works to audit progress toward completion of the MPA and other graduate degrees. Use the Degree Works Audit Dashboard to track coursework and related progress toward degree completion. Click here to access the Dashboard; you will need to enter your student ID.
Graduate Certificate Options
Many students pursuing a Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree at WKU choose elective courses that allow them to also complete a graduate certificate. The Department of Political Science offers a graduate certificate in Local Government Administration for students interested in careers in local and regional planning and economic development as well as local government management. Other WKU graduate certificates that are particularly relevant for MPA students include:
- Communicating in Organizations
- Emergency Management Disaster Science
- Nonprofit Administration
- Organizational Leadership
Program Content and Timetables
The following procedures are required to ensure that you are making progress toward your MPA degree.
Course Change Form
Courses other than the ones specifically listed in the Graduate Catalog can sometimes be substituted for approved courses. Course substitutions must be approved by the MPA Director, PCAL Dean, and the Graduate School prior to enrollment in any alternative course work. The Graduate Curriculum Exception Form is available on the Graduate School – Forms site, accessible here.
Transfer Credit
Up to 12 graduate credit (semester) hours of transfer credit from an accredited institution may be accepted toward meeting the course requirements for the MPA degree. Courses accepted for transfer credit must fall within the 6-year limit for degree completion. Requests for transfer credit must be approved by the MPA Director and the Graduate School. All requests for transfer credit must include supporting documentation regarding course content and requirements. Course outlines, syllabi and reading lists are appropriate for this requirement.
Program Completion
To earn the WKU MPA degree, students must complete 36 hours of approved graduate coursework as outlined in the Graduate Catalog, complete the Capstone experience (PS 590), and file the application for degree form (along with the requisite fees) with The Graduate School. The Application for Graduation form is available on the Graduate School – Forms site, accessible here. Students are expected to file for graduation either during the semester prior to the semester of graduation or early in the semester they expect to graduate.
All necessary course work must be completed (no unresolved grades of "incomplete”) with a minimum GPA of 3.0, all relevant forms filed, and fees paid before the MPA degree will be officially awarded.
Important Links
MPA Program Links:
Program Courses & Requirements
Support our Program
We believe in the importance of the quality of education. The program has trained professional public administrators since 1973 and has an excellent track record of job placements and career advances. Show your support by gifting to our program and students.