Student Associations
College is a good place to network, serve and acquire lifelong skills. Our goal is to help our students succeed, on and off campus. Below are some WKU resources that we think will be the most relevant to our students' needs and help them to interact with fellow students, professionals in their fields of study and the community.
About SHA:
The Student Healthcare Association (SHA) is a student organization supporting future healthcare professionals in accomplishing their goals by expanding their horizons, facilitating networking opportunities, and imparting knowledge and information that would help them to understand the potential in the healthcare sector. It is composed of staff advisors, student officers, and a student body. SHA helps create connections between students and healthcare organizations through meetings and conferences. Its mission is to enable these connections and strengthen them to create Global leaders.
Purpose of SHA:
SHA’s purpose is to connect students with each other and with professionals in order to participate in and create meaningful healthcare incentives within the university, throughout the community, and throughout the nation.
Mission of SHA:
“Our mission is to facilitate substantial connections among students and professionals and to develop global leaders in all healthcare sectors.”
Goals SHA:
Create connections among WKU students throughout all healthcare degree programs. Create connections between WKU healthcare students and healthcare professionals. Collaborate with other student organizations and organizations within the community to make a positive impact on healthcare. Provide SHA students with meaningful and significant experiences that will further their education and careers.
Who Should Join SHA:
Any WKU student who is interested in getting involved with and building a network within the local and national healthcare industry.
For More Information Contact:
Chase Bailey, President
Nadia Houchens, Faculty Advisor
Organization Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to promote and create awareness of public health issues both on campus and in our community. With the addition of new members we strive to be stronger advocates on the local and state level. Through community partnerships and campus activities members develop interpersonal and networking skills that will translate into their public health profession. Our organization also aims at providing platform for our members to participate in the community and help to make our society a better place to live.
Our vision is to see an overall improvement in the health on campus and in our community. We believe that as an organization, small steps that we take can make a great beginning for a healthier change in the community.
Our mission is to increase public health awareness through community education and championing legislation that improves the welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) partners with universities to develop trained teams of student/faculty volunteers to assist and provide support during public health outbreaks, investigations, and other responses. During responses in the past, KDPH has conducted large-scale phone surveys of patients, field surveys in disaster settings, established on-the-fly surveillance for novel diseases, injuries and other conditions, collected shelter surveillance data, performed data entry for surveillance during disasters, and analyzed incoming data throughout the response. Even data entry for a large batch of surveys may be needed in given investigations. All of these are examples of possible activities that KDPH could request assistance from K-PHAST members. Students may also have the opportunity to help local health departments with local response issues and surge capacity for special projects (CASPER surveys, data entry, etc). Participation is limited to one or two days in most cases to avoid excessive conflicts with classes. Participation is voluntary, but KDPH will make every effort to cover any needs or expenses that arise from participation in a response (e.g., meals, transportation, lodging)
1. Currently enrolled student or faculty members at a Kentucky university.
2. Complete two online introductory ICS courses and supply completion certificates
for verification. Each module takes approximately 2 - 3 hours to complete. Before
taking these courses, you will need to register for a FEMA student identification number.
- FEMA ICS IS-100: Introduction to Incident Command System
- IS-700: National Incident Management System.
3. Complete day-long training. Preregistration is required, and space is limited.
KDPH has developed a single-day general concepts training that incorporates concepts of Incident Command Structure (ICS), survey design, Epi Info software, HIPPA issues, interviewing skills, and basic applied epidemiology. After the training, students will be enrolled in the K-PHAST program and able to participate in responses if a request is made by KDPH or the local health department. Additional, just-in-time training will be given at any response so that the university participant can quickly become familiar with concepts specific to the given response and operational characteristics of KDPH’s response framework.
For More Information Contact
Public Health Undergraduate & Graduate Associated Students
Calling all BSPH and MPH students…
Have your voice heard! Vote on curriculum, policies, and more!
PHUGAS is the student governance organization for all public health students - undergraduate and graduate. There is no fee or application to join; if you're a public health student, you're part of PHUGAS! We discuss and vote on different things relating to the programs, including policy, procedure, diversity, inclusion, and curriculum within PHUGAS.
WKU/AHEC Student Rural Health Association
A partnership between SC KY AHEC and the Kentucky Rural Health Association.
A student organization dedicated to fostering an appreciation of needs, resources, and strategies for improving health status and health care for all rural Kentuckians.
Mission Statement:
The mission of WKU/AHEC SRHA shall be to educate WKU students and others and promote rural health issues in the Commonwealth of Kentucky by addressing pertinent rural health issues through workshops, volunteer projects, and information distribution through multiple media outlets. These activities will support the mission of the Kentucky Rural Health Association (KRHA), which represents the geographically diverse regions of Kentucky and a variety of profit and nonprofit entities.
What We Do:
Each month we focus on educating students on a medical topic relevant to rural health. Students also complete a variety of community service projects.
When We Meet:
The SRHA meets on alternating Thursdays from 4-5 pm in Academic Complex.
Joining KRHA:
All interested students are encouraged to join the Kentucky Rural Health Association. This professional organization is the parent organization of our student chapter. Student membership to KRHA is FREE.
Shadowing Rotations / Student Sign Up
WKU/AHEC has partnered with area medical facilities to provide a shadowing rotation for WKU students. Students spend 8 weeks rotating through different departments at the hospital, shadowing healthcare providers. Students visit the hospital once a week and spend roughly three hours shadowing in a specific department.
Participants must commit to an entire semester, pass a criminal background check, a drug screen, and provide a negative TB skin test and immunization records. Students must pay for their TB skin test and drug test.
For More Information Contact
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