Military & Veteran Services
WKU is proud of its long history of providing exceptional services to the US Military. WKU is a top ranked Military Friendly® School, so we understand your unique challenges and are committed to serving you. We offer a special military tuition rate, a free Textbooks For Troops™ program, and many student support services to help you reach your educational goals.
Helpful links:
Military Student Services
Our mission is to provide personalized support for all our military, veterans and
Special Military Tuition Rate & Tuition Assistance
The tuition rate is $250 per credit hour for undergraduate and graduate courses for
U.S. active-duty, Reserves and National Guard students. Also, WKU offers in-state
tuition for veterans.
Textbooks For Troops™
Free textbooks are loaned to eligible military students and dependents.
Course Credit for Military Experience & Training
Get a free assessment of your military transcript. Learn how you can complete your
degree in less time and save money.
Veterans Upward Bound (VUB)
VUB is designed to motivate and prepare veterans interested in post-secondary education.
The program provides counseling, mentoring, tutoring, and academic instruction in
the core subject areas.

WKU is a Military friendly school, so we understand your unique challenges and are committed to serving you. WKU's mission is to provide personalized support for all our military, veterans and dependents.
Contact Military Support Specialist Erica Crawford:
- (270) 745-2629
- 31 Warehouse St, Building 65
Layaou Hall, Room 103
Ft Knox, KY 40121