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Certificate as Minor Form

By submitting the following form you are acknowledging that the major and certificate combination will satisfy the following university requirement: 

  • Students with a major below 48 hours must select a second major or minor. Students who select a major and minor combination must have 54 hours total between the major and minor and 48 hours unduplicated.

Any major/certificate combination not meeting the 54/48 hour rule, will require a Degree Works exception to add courses to the major or certificate. 

You are also acknowledging that adding a certificate as a minor may require an update to the student's catalog term. A change in catalog term may impact degree requirements.


Please complete the following form to request the use of a certificate as a minor. All responses will be forwarded to Degree Certification Officers, Dana Jones (A-K) and Marsha Wagoner (L-Z) for processing. If you have questions about the form, please contact the corresponding Degree Certification Officer.  






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 Last Modified 10/21/24