Majors and Minors
WKU Majors and Minors
WKU offers undergraduate degree programs including baccalaureate majors, minors, and certificate levels. Click on the academic area that interests you for more information.
- WKU has a variety of online program and course options. Check with the department to see if the major you are interested in is offered primary online, or visit WKU Online.
- To learn more about teacher certification (including endorsements), please visit Office of Teacher Services.
- To learn more about graduate programs please visit the Graduate School.
- WKU offers courses at four convenient locations, at our main campus in Bowling Green, or at our three Regional Campuses, including Glasgow, Elizabethtown-Ft. Knox, and Owensboro.
* - JUMP = Joint Undergraduate-Master's Program. Qualified students may complete work on undergraduate and graduate degrees simultaneously. Please contact the academic department for more information.
** Programs listed as "BA" may be listed as "A.B." in the undergraduate course catalog.
◊ Pre-Professional programs are advising concentrations only. WKU does not award degrees or certificates in pre-professional programs.