Facebook Pixel Admission Requirements — Master of Science in Athletic Administration | Western Kentucky University

Admission Requirements

The minimum requirements for acceptance into the Master of Science in Recreation and Sports Administration with a concentration in Facility & Event Management are as follows:

  • A Bachelor’s Degree
    A bachelor’s degree from a college or university of recognized standing with at least a 2.75 overall GPA.
  • Application & Fee
    Students seeking a graduate degree must apply online. There is a non-refundable application fee of $65. Please make sure that in “Course of Study” that you choose Recreation and Sport Administration.  In the “Concentration” pull down box you will need to select “Facility & Event Management.”
  • Transcript Record
    Graduates of accredited institutions other than WKU must submit an official transcript showing the completed degree to the Graduate School.
  • Statement of Professional Intent
    Statement should provide a sample of applicant's writing style and ability.  It should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, and is expected to be well organized, clearly written and error free. It should include an introduction, responses to the three questions below, and a conclusion:
    • Why do you want to pursue this degree?
    • What related qualifications and/or experiences do you bring to the program?
    • What are your career goals after completing the program

Statements should be emailed to graduate.school@wku.edu and include your full name and WKU Student ID (if known).

Please reference the Graduate Catalog for the most up-to-date admission information.


 Last Modified 4/1/21