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University NAGPRA and Tribal Relations

Enacted in 1990, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) is a federal law relating to Native American Ancestral remains, funerary objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. This law protects Native American burials on federal property, provides protections to Native American collections held in federally funded institutions and museums, and requires consultation on all Native American collections subject to the law. It is the legal responsibility of WKU to collaborate with federally recognized Tribal representatives through consultation to inventory our collections and determine when repatriation of ancestral remains, funerary objects, and objects of cultural patrimony to Tribes is appropriate.

In addition to the legal responsibility, Western Kentucky University acknowledges the significant ethical obligations of fulfilling the law and is dedicated to meeting these expectations through devoting time and resources to a comprehensive consultation spanning all collections housed across its campuses.

University compliance with NAGPRA has been ongoing since the 1990s, and WKU recently created the position of University NAGPRA Specialist to continue this work, with a focus on thorough investigations into all university holdings and expanding consultation efforts. The University NAGPRA Specialist, Nikki Wilcox, also leads the University NAGPRA and Tribal Relations Committee, which consists of members from invested departments. Ms. Wilcox is working with the Kentucky Museum, the Anthropology Program, and other departments across campus to identify NAGPRA-eligible collections. She oversees the university’s effort to ensure the cultural materials and ancestral remains housed at WKU are secure and maintained with the utmost respect.

Repatriation of all NAGPRA collections is the goal of the work being done at WKU. This may involve the return of cultural materials and/or ancestral remains to appropriate Tribes, or it may involve the university continuing to hold them on behalf of Tribes. Archaeological collections held by the university remain accessible to qualified researchers. All research projects using NAGPRA-eligible collections must be approved through consultation with the appropriate Tribe/s, as well as the University NAGPRA and Tribal Relations Committee.


Recent Repatriations:

Kentucky Museum repatriates cultural items to the Chickasaw Nation



With any questions, comments or concerns, please contact Nikki Wilcox.


University NAGPRA and Tribal Relations Committee:

The mission of the University NAGPRA and Tribal Relations Committee is to coordinate government-to-government relationships between Western Kentucky University and American Indian Tribes and to engage with Tribal communities on- and off-campus to promote understanding and action on matters of Tribal importance.


  • Nikki Wilcox, MA (Chair)
    • University NAGPRA Specialist
  • Bryan Morey, MA (Secretary)
    • Collections Manager, Kentucky Museum
  • David Pollack
    • Director, Kentucky Archaeological Survey
  • Darlene Applegate
    • Department of Society, Culture, Crime and Justice Studies, Professor of Anthropology
  • Brent Björkman
    • Director, Kentucky Folklife Program; Director, Kentucky Museum
  • Lindsey Carter, JD
    • Assistant General Counsel
  • Alexandar Olson
    • Department of History, Director of Graduate Studies & Associate Professor
  • Dr. Molly Kerby
    • Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness & Engagement, Professor Sociology

Commitee Meeting Minutes


Helpful Links:




 Last Modified 11/26/24