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Colonnade General Education Committee

The Colonnade General Education Committee is one of the standing committees of the University Senate.  Agenda information and relevant documents for this committee can be found in the University-Wide Shared Drive under a folder entitled ‘Colonnade Committee.'


Membership, 2024-2025

College College Representative Alternate Representative
CEBS Kandy Smith  
CHHS Ashley Fox Missy Travelsted
GFCB Mohsen Aram  
LIBRARIES Todd Sequin  
OCSE Phillip Gunter  
PCAL Alex Olson*  
AT-LARGE Leslie Plumlee  
AT-LARGE Andy Mienaltowski  
AT-LARGE Angie Jerome - Chair  
Immediate Past Chair Stacey Forsythe*  
* Non-Senator


Membership, 2023-2024

College College Representative Alternate Representative
CEBS Cortney Basham  
CHHS Ashley Fox Danilo Tolusso
GFCB Mohsen Aram  
LIBRARIES Todd Sequin  
OCSE Phillip Gunter  
PCAL Alex Olson *  
AT-LARGE Leslie Plumlee  
AT-LARGE Stacey Forsythe * - Chair  
Immediate Past Chair    
* Non-Senator


Membership, 2022-2023

College College Representative Alternate Representative
CEBS Cortney Basham  
CHHS Susan Eagle Dano Tolusso
GFCB Mohsen Mollagholamali  
LIBRARIES Nancy Richey
Anthony Paganelli
OCSE Phillip Gunter  
PCAL Kate Hudepohl  
SGA Antonina Clementi  
AT-LARGE Patricia Todd  
AT-LARGE Sheila Flener
AT-LARGE Stacey Forsythe - CHAIR  
Immediate Past Chair Patricia Todd*  
* Non-Senator
"D" = Departmental Senator
"AL" = At-Large Senator



Colonnade Committee, 2021-2022

College College Representative Alternate Representative
CEBS Cortney Basham-D  
CHHS Stacey Forsythe-AL  
GFCB Patricia Todd-D, CHAIR
Jean Snavely
OCSE Nick Fortune-AL  
PCAL Trish Jaggers-AL Robert Dietle
SGA Nia Douglas  
AT-LARGE Kate Hudepohl-D  
AT-LARGE Jay Gabbard-D  
AT-LARGE Chris Groves-D  
Immediate Past Chair Patricia Todd*  
* Non-Senator
"D" = Departmental Senator
"AL" = At-Large Senator


Colonnade Committee, 2020-2021

College College Representative Alternate Representative
CEBS Jeanine Huss-AL  
CHHS Stacey Forsythe-AL  
GFCB Patricia Todd-D - CHAIR  
LIBRARIES Sue Lynn McDaniel-D  
OCSE Chris Groves-D  
PCAL Jen Hanley-D  Francesca Sunkin-AL
SGA Olivia Dawson  
AT-LARGE Kate Hudepohl-D  
AT-LARGE Jay Gabbard-D  
AT-LARGE Vacant  
Immediate Past Chair Mary Wolinski-D  
* Non-Senator
"D" = Departmental Senator
"AL" = At-Large Senator



Colonnade Committee, 2019-2020

College College Representative Alternate Representative
CEBS Toni Szymanski-AL  
CHHS Stacey Forsythe-AL Sarah Herrick-D
GFCB Patricia Todd-D  
LIBRARIES Sue Lynn McDaniel-D  
OCSE Leslie Plumlee-AL  
PCAL Mary Wolinski-D-CHAIR  
SGA  Matt Barr  
AT-LARGE Jen Hanley-D  
AT-LARGE Xiuhua Ding*  
AT-LARGE  Tim Straubel  
Immediate Past Chair Vacant  
* Non-Senator
"D" = Departmental Senator
"AL" = At-Large Senator



Colonnade Committee, 2018-2019

College College Representative Alternate Representative
CEBS Toni Szymanski-AL  
CHHS Travis Esslinger-D  
GFCB Tim Hawkins-D  
LIBRARIES Christy Spurlock-D  
OCSE Leslie Plumlee-AL  
PCAL Mary Wolinski-D (CHAIR) Heather Strode-D
SGA  J. Garrett Edmonds* (SGA)  
AT LARGE Jenn Hanley* (PCAL)  
AT LARGE Scott Bonham-D (OCSE)  
AT LARGE Xiuhua Ding* (CHHS)  
* Non-Senator
"D" = Departmental Senator
"AL" = At-Large Senator



Colonnade Committee, 2017-2018

College   College Representative  Alternate Representative
CHHS Laura Bain-Selbo Travis Esslinger
GFCB Tim Hawkins Thad Crews
LIBRARIES Christy Spurlock  
OCSE Leslie Plumlee Scott Bonham
PCAL Mary Wolinksi Grayson Hunt (on Leave 17-18)
UC Jim Fulkerson Elizabeth Gish
SGA  Dillon McCormick  
AT LARGE Marilyn Gardner*  
AT LARGE Scott Bonham  
AT LARGE Jerry Daday, CHAIR  
Past Immediate Chairs Marko Dumancic  
* Non-Senator



Colonnade Committee, 2016-2017

College College Representative Alternate Representative
CEBS Rico Tyler Pam Jukes
CHHS Gayle Mallinger Dawn Wright
GFCB Tim Hawkins Melloney Simerly
LIBRARIES Sandy Staebell Laura DeLancey
OCSE Jill Brown Nancy Rice
PCAL Marko Dunancic, Chair Jennifer Hanley
UC Molly Kerby Julie Shadoan
SGA  Nathan Cherry  
At Large Julie Shadoan  
At Large  Marilyn Gardner  
At Large  Jannifer Hanley  
Past Immediate Chairs Robert Dietle
Molly Dunkum



Colonnade Committee, 2015-2016

College Representatives Alternate
CEBS Rico Tyler Pam Jukes
CHHS Marilyn Gardner Dawn Wright
GFCB Timothy Hawkins Melloney Simerly
LIBRARIES Sandy Staebell Laura DeLancey
OCSE Jill Brown Nancy Rice
PCAL Marko Dumancic Elizabeth Winkler
UC Said Ghezal Julie Shadoan
SGA Nathan Cherry  
At Large Robert Dietle Rico Tyler
At Large Christopher Ervin Keith Epley
At Large Eddy Cuisinier  



Colonnade Implementation Committee 2014-2015

College Representative    
Ex-Oficio Larry Snyder Sylvia Gaiko  
Chair Molly Dunkum    
CEBS Rico Tyler    
CHHS Lorraine Bormann    
GFCB Sean Marston Alex Lebedinsky  
LIBRARIES Nancy Richey Amanda Drost  
OCSE Peggy Gripshover Dominic Lanphier Nancy Rice
PCAL Robert Dietle Marko Dumancic  
UC Michelle Hollis Lloren Foster Mark Staynings

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 Last Modified 9/30/24