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Mental Health Support

College is intended to be a challenging experience. Moving away from home, starting new friendships, and balancing heavy loads of schoolwork with other responsibilities create new pressures for students.

However, college should never be detrimental to anyone’s mental health.

As the Student Government Association, we believe in supporting students as they confront the challenges of college life. For that reason, we encourage all students who are facing mental and emotional struggles to seek help from WKU Counseling and Testing Center.

“WKU Counseling and Testing Center is committed to promoting the academic mission of the university by providing a variety of psychological services to students that will augment recruitment, retention, and graduation by strengthening students’ capacity to tolerate distress, form healthy relationships, and seek healthy expressions of their ideals and values. The Counseling and Testing Center also advances the university’s mission by providing educational programming, training, and consultation to the students, faculty, staff, and constituents of WKU.”

If you ever feel lonely, depressed, or simply stressed, the WKU Counseling and Testing Center offers a variety of services intended to ease the mental and emotional burdens you face. College can be a difficult time, but despite its challenges, we at the WKU Student Government Association are committed to ensuring that you never have to experience it alone.

For more information on the WKU Counseling & Testing Center, please visit their website: https://www.wku.edu/heretohelp/


Resources on Campus:

Academic Advising – Student Success Center – 270-745-5065; academic.advising@wku.edu

Counseling & Testing Center – 270-745-3159; Potter Hall, Rm. 409; Help Line 24 hour emergency service: 270-843-4357

Here-To-Help online mental health information page:  http://www.wku.edu/heretohelp/heretohelpemail.php

Graves Gilbert Clinic @ WKU (GGC@WKU) – 270-745-CARE (2273); WKU Health Services Building (corner of Normal & Regents Ave); 

WKU Police Department – Emergency # 911; Non-Emergency:  270-745-2548


Resources off Campus:

Suicide Hotlines - Kentucky Suicide & Crisis Hotlines: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433); 1-800-273-TALK (825);  

TTY:  1-800-799-4TTY (4889); http://suicidehotlines.com/kentucky.html

Veteran’s Crisis Line:  1-800-273-8255, Press 1; Text to 838255;

BRASS – Domestic Violence Shelter & Program – 1-800-928-1183; Alt Crisis Line: 270-843-1183; Business Line:  270-659-0823


AA – Alcoholics Anonymous - 24 Hour Answering Service 502-782-5267; http://bowlinggreenaa.org/

Park Place Recovery Center - (270) 901-5000, ext.1145

24-hour Suicide Prevention Line - 1 (800) 273-8255

Vocational Rehab - (270) 746- 7243


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 Last Modified 10/20/21