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Request a Judicial Council Meeting

By completing this form, you, as petitioner, request the Judicial Council hold a hearing based on
the facts below and ask for relief. By filling out this form, the petitioner affirms that they are a duly-
registered student at Western Kentucky University and thus, have the right to bring a claim before the
Judicial Council under § 4.5.4 of the SGA Constitution.

The petitioner in the case is the name of the student bringing the claim. The respondent is the specific SGA officer
in the case of censure, "Judicial Council" in the case of clarification of SGA Constitution/Bylaws, "Student Senate"
in a request for review of a bill or resolution passed by the student senate, or the name of the regional affiliate in
the case of review of a bill or resolution passed by a regional affiliate and review of impeachment proceedings by a
regional affiliate.


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 Last Modified 1/30/25