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CW PREP Program

The Child Welfare Prepare, Retain, Engage and Partner Program (CW PREP) is a partnership between the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services and university undergraduate social work programs aimed to better serve the children and families in our state. CW PREP's program goal is to fill the ranks of Child Welfare Workers with competent and well-trained workers who can provide high quality services immediately following graduation.


CW PREP Benefits

  • Four semesters of free, in-state tuition
  • $1,300 stipend per semester for books, living expenses and/or travel related to the program
  • Advanced, specialized training and course work in child welfare
  • An intensive internship with your local Department for Community Based Services
  • Employment at the Department for Community Based Services after graduation (competitive salary and outstanding benefits)


Program Requirements

  • Students in this program will be obligated, by contract, to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Application for employment and accepance of position with the Department for Community Based Services is expected 30 days prior to graduation. Position must remain in the Social Service Worker series, and student must remain employed for two (2) years. Failure to meet these obligations may result in the forfeiture of all funds received and the reimbursement to the Cabinet for its costs.
  • Students cannot receive any more than four semesters of benefits.
  • Students are required to complete two CW PREP courses (SWRK 450 and 451), attend two retreats per year, participate in mandatory trainings, and complete their social work internships with the Office of Protection and Permanency. Students are required to earn a “B” or above in required CW PREP and field courses.
  • Student must notify their instructors at the beginning of each semester of their upcoming CW PREP obligations to ensure compatibility with instructor’s course guidelines and expectations.
  • Graduates may have to relocate based on job availability.


Who is eligible?

  • Must be a full-time social work major at time of application.
  • Must have an overall cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in social work courses, and receive no less than a “B” in required CW PREP and field courses.
  • Cannot be a current employee with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
  • Must willing to work for the Department for Community Based Services in the Social Service Worker series for two (2) years after graduation.
  • Must have positive, optimistic attitude toward working with families and children in crisis?


Apply Now!

Spring Semester Applications due March 30

Fall Semester Applications due September 30


CW PREP Application


CW PREP Official Website

Dr. Monica Hines

CW PREP Coordinator
Office: Academic Complex 101B
Phone: 270-745-2523
Email: monica.hines@wku.edu



 Last Modified 7/24/24