Student Resources
Resources For Everyone
Being a student can be challenging. This is totally normal. WKU acknowledges this and seeks to help you overcome any obstacles to your completing your education. As a WKU student, you can access the free or very low-cost resources below to improve your situation. Whether it is a mental health concern, financial difficulties, accessibility issues or IT support that you seek, you will find help at the offices linked in the drop-down menus below. To the left, you will find several outside of WKU resources that are also free for you. You may always contact your academic advisor with concerns, as well.
Police Safety Escorts Hotline: 270-745-3333
Student Accessibility Resource Center
Equal Employment Opportunity Office: 270-745-5121 Discrimination ConcernsEmergency Student Assistance - If you have experienced a significant hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic, you can email opportunityfund@wku.edu to explore possible financial relief. Information about the WKU Opportunity Fund is found here.
Blackboard Help – You can access Blackboard help here or by calling IT at (270) 745-7000. My rule of thumb is after 5 minutes of struggle, I call IT. You know your own limits
Technology Access – If you do not have broadband or laptop access. Be aware that some internet companies in our region are offering free broadband access to students during the pandemic. Students who need laptops should contact TopperTech via this request so that they can provide information about our no-cost laptop checkout program.
Zoom Help – You can access Zoom help here or by calling IT at (270) 745-7000.
IT Support Number: (270) 745-700
Contact the Office of Enrollment and Student Experience
Potter Hall, 301
Phone: 270-745-6169
Hours: M-F: 8 am - 4:30 pm