Social Work Minor
Students wishing to MINOR in Social Work must complete 21 hours of Social Work courses, including the following:
SWRK 101: Foundations of Human Services (Fall and Spring)
SWRK 300: Diversity and Social Welfare
- OR SWRK 395: Social Welfare Policy and Issues
SWRK 301: Social Work Practice for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Fall only)*
SWRK 330: Human Behavior in Social Environment I (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer)
SWRK 357: Case Management (Spring only)
SWRK Electives: Two SWRK-prefix electives on different topics. (Electives are typically offered each Fall, Spring, and Summer semester and occasionally in Winter).
Important Requirements and Notes:
- SWRK 101 must be completed before taking SWRK 301.
- Practice courses and Field Placement courses are not available to minors.
- 1/3 of the hours in the minor must be earned at WKU.
- At least 1/2 of the hours required for the minor must be earned in courses numbered 300 and above. Advisors & students must check this requirement.
- Some courses may be substituted with courses from other disciplines substantively similar to the course being substituted. Talk to your Social Work Advisor for more information.
- A minor in Social Work does not qualify students as a professional social workers, as a members of the professional organization, for licensure by the State of Kentucky, for advanced standing status in a graduate Social Work program, nor for social work practice in an employment situation.
BSW Program Minor Coordinator
BSW Links
- Honors Students
- Scholarships
- SWSU (Social Work Student Union)
- Phi Alpha Honor Society
- Study Abroad & Global Learning
- CSWE Core Competencies
- BSW Program Mission
- BSW Student Handbook
- Orientation Materials
- BSW Information Video