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Field Program

Since its inception, the profession of social work has considered practical experience to be an important part of social work education. In fact, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) deemed field education the “signature pedagogy” of social work education in 2008. 

Students: this is an exciting time where you will have the opportunity to practice the skills, knowledge, and values acquired in a classroom. You will have a social worker who meets with you weekly to provide feedback and guidance on your learning experience. Field placement is the beginning of your identification as a professional social worker—something to be proud of! 

Field Education is offered concurrently with academic study. Students are matched to a social service agency and complete an internship placement under the guidance and supervision of an experienced professional social worker, or as we call them, a Field Instructor. This vital interaction is designed to reinforce our students’ academic study with real life experience. It permits testing theory in practice settings and provides students with field experience that is vital for academic and professional development. 


Field Instructor Toolbox Student Toolbox


Dr. Monica Hines
Interim BSW Field Director
Office: Academic Complex 114E
Phone: 270-745-2523
Email: monica.hines@wku.edu

Dr. Shannon Sales
MSW Field Director
Office: Academic Complex 111B
Phone: 270-745-4263
Email: shannon.sales@wku.edu




 Last Modified 2/18/25