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Course Description


SWRK 501
Cultural Competency in Social Work Practice (3 hours)

Designed to provide the student with a conceptual basis for cross cultural social work interventions.

Special Requirement: Admission to the MSW program or permission of the instructor.

SWRK 510
Human Behavior in the Social Environment (3 hours)

Examines behavior within the context of families, groups, organizations, communities, and cultures.

Special Requirement: Admission to the MSW program or permission of the instructor.

SWRK 520
Generalist Social Work Practice (3 hours)

Designed to provide the student with an introduction to the knowledge, values and skills necessary for effective social work interventions with individuals and families.

Prerequisite: Admission to the MSW program
Corequisite:  SWRK 560

SWRK 522
Group Dynamics in Social Work Practice (3 hours)

Provides an introduction to social work group work practice, including dynamics of group interaction, stages of group development, and group types.

Prerequisites: SWRK 501, SWRK 510, SWRK 520, SWRK 540, SWRK 560
Corequisite: SWRK 561

SWRK 523
Rural Community Organization and Development (3 hours)

Teaches the knowledge, skills, and values of advanced macro level social work practice with a focus on complex skills in community development, economic development, and organizational change within the rural community.

Prerequisites: SWRK 501, SWRK 510,  SWRK 520

SWRK 530
Foundations of Social Welfare Policy (3 hours)

Designed to provide the student with an introduction to relationships between social policy, social welfare, and the American society.

Special Requirement: Admission to the MSW program or permission of the instructor

SWRK 540
Foundations of Social Work Research Methods (3 hours)

Provides an overview of social work research methods for graduate level practice. Topics include research paradigms and designs: qualitative and quantitative methods, and single-subject and group-comparison designs.

Special Requirement: Admission to the MSW program or permission of the instructor

SWRK 560
Foundation Field Practicum I (3 hours)

Focuses on application of skills, knowledge, and values of the generalist social work perspective.

Prerequisite: Admission to the MSW program
Corequisite: SWRK 520

SWRK 561
Foundation Field Practicum II (3 hours)

Continues to focus on applied skills, knowledge, and values for the generalist social work perspective.

Prerequisites: SWRK 520 & SWRK 560
Corequisite: SWRK 522

SWRK 610
Social Work Administration and Supervision (3 hours)

Explores a variety of theories and models on managing human resources including non-professional and professional staff.

SWRK 612
Social Work in Diverse Rural Areas (3 hours)

Prerequisites:  Completion of all required 500 level MSW courses or admission to the Advanced Standing MSW program or permission of the instructor.

SWRK 620
Advanced Psycho-Social Approaches for Rural Practice (3 hours)

Focuses on knowledge, skills, and values for advanced micro level social work within a rural area. Topics include clinical interventions with individuals, families, and groups; empowerment and interdisciplinary approaches.

Prerequisites: Completion of all required 500 level MSW courses or admission to the Advanced Standing MSW program
Corequisites: SWRK 660

SWRK 622
Integrated Social Work Practice with Families (3 Hours)

This course builds on the knowledge and skills gained in the generalist social work practice classes. Knowledge and skills related to social work processes for planned change using engagement, assessment, planning, implementation (with interventions), evaluation, termination, and follow-up in working with families.

Prerequisites: Completion of all required 500 level MSW courses or admission to the Advanced Standing MSW program.  SWRK 610, SWRK 620, SWRK 623 & SWRK 660
Corequisite: SWRK 661

SWRK 623
Social Work Clinical Assessment and Intervention (3 hours)

Focuses on the process of assessment and diagnosis from a direct practice perspective.

Prerequisites: Completion of all required 500 level MSW courses or admission to the Advanced Standing MSW program or permission of the instructor

SWRK 630
Rural Social Work Policy (3 hours)

Teaches advanced graduate-level skills in policy analysis and evaluation with an emphasis on skills for policy practice within the rural context.

Prerequisites: Completion of all required 500 level MSW courses or admission to the Advanced Standing MSW program

SWRK 640
Applied Social Work Research (3 hours)

Teaches the skills for evaluation of social work practice across client system levels within the rural practice context. It provides a value context for practice evaluations.

Prerequisites: Completion of all required 500 level MSW courses or admission to the Advanced Standing MSW program

SWRK 660
Advanced Field Practicum I (3 hours)

Focuses on the development of advanced applied skills, knowledge, and values for direct social work practice in a rural setting.

Prerequisites: Completion of all required 500 level MSW courses or admission to the Advanced Standing MSW program.
Corequisite: SWRK 620

SWRK 661
Advanced Field Practicum II (3 hours)

Focuses on the development of advanced applied skills, knowledge, and values for advanced direct social work practice in a rural setting.

Prerequisites: Completion of all required 500 level MSW courses or admission to the Advanced Standing MSW program. SWRK 620 & SWRK 660
Corequisite: SWRK 622

SWRK 671
Social Work and the Law (3 hours)

Introduction to legal issues in social work. Identifies similarities and differences between legal and ethical obligations and dilemmas. Topics include courtroom evidence, procedure and testimony.

Prerequisite: Admission to the MSW program or instructor permission

SWRK 672
Child Sexual Abuse (3 hours)

Dynamics, causes, and effects of child sexual abuse across the life span. Focuses on interventions, skills, and knowledge for working with families and individuals experiencing child sexual abuse.

Prerequisite: Completion of all required 500 level MSW courses or Admission to the Advanced Standing MSW program or permission of the instructor

SWRK 673
Grief/Loss Issues Intervention (3 hours)

Dynamics of grief and loss. Theories/models for interventions that are relevant for advanced direct social work practice in rural settings.

Prerequisite: Admission to the MSW program or instructor permission

SWRK 675
Expressive Therapies (3 hours)

Prerequisite: SWRK 520 or permission of the instructor. Teaches therapy from a holistic perspective that embraces alternative practices for personal change and growth. Students will obtain knowledge from various theories and models with interventions that are relevant for social work practice.

Prerequisite: Completion of all required 500 level MSW courses or admission to the Advanced Standing MSW program or permission of instructor

SWRK 676
Social Work with Migrants

This course is an elective course providing students with exposure to social work practice with migrants.This course will provide definitions for the various terms associated with migrants, explore the history of immigration in the United States from 1884 to present, examine cultural competency as applied to migrant populations, explore underlying theoretical underpinnings when working with migrants, examine effective interventions with migrants, explore the most vulnerable groups within migrant populations, and emphasize the role of social worker as advocate.

SWRK 695
Special Topics in Social Work (3 hours)

A variety of electives are offered on a limited basis under this course number.

>Ethical Issues and Dilemmas in Social Work (3 hours)

This course is designed to provide students with a basic level of knowledge and understanding of the concepts, theories, and models of professional social work ethics. This course equips students with the ability to recognize and analyze ethical dilemmas common to social work and apply appropriate frameworks to resolve them.


SWRK 571-579 are Credit for Learning courses (special permission required)

SWRK 571
Introduction to Kentucky Child Welfare Practice (3 hours)

Focuses on understanding problems and issues faced by children and families within an ecological framework. The complexities of social work practice within the Kentucky child welfare system are examined. (Open only to  Department for Community Based Services, Protection and Permanency workers)

SWRK 572
Family Violence: Social Work Practice (3 hours)

Provides students with the research, practice, and policy knowledge necessary for understanding, assessing, and intervening in various forms of family violence. Students examine their own values, beliefs, and biases related to working in this area of social work practice in the public child welfare system. (Open only to  Department for Community Based Services, Protection and Permanency workers)

SWRK 573
Assessment and Case Management of Child Sexual Abuse (3 hours)

This course prepares students to identify family dynamics associated with childhood sexual abuse, advocacy, crisis assistance and intervention. Students gain knowledge and skills required to assess and interview children, families,and offenders. Skills are gained to assess needs, make appropriate referrals, and prepare for the placement of the child, when indicated. Students will learn the social worker’s role in a multidisciplinary team and increase their preparation for and participation in related judicial proceedings.(Open only to  Department for Community Based Services, Protection and Permanency workers)

SWRK 574
Enhancing Safety and Permanency for Children (3 hours)

Students develop professional social work practice knowledge and skills in the delivery of services to children and youth in foster care as well as families who care for them. Students are prepared to enhance the safety and permanency of children receiving services from the KCHF Services. (Open only to  Department for Community Based Services, Protection and Permanency workers)

SWRK 576
Advanced Case Work Practice in Child Welfare (3 hours)

Training in advanced levels of casework in a child welfare practice setting.  This is one of three administration and supervision courses offered by the Credit for Learning Program.

Prerequisites: Permission of the Credit for Learning (CFL) Program
Co-requisites: SWRK 577 and SWRK 578

SWRK 577
Supervision of Advanced Casework in Child Welfare (3 hours)

Core concepts and competencies in casework supervision in child welfare.  This is one of three administration and supervision courses offered by the Credit for Learning program.

Prerequisites: Permission of the Credit for Learning (CFL) Program
Co-requisites: SWRK 576 and SWRK 578

SWRK 578
Coaching and Mentoring in Child Welfare (3 hours)

Supervision, coaching and mentoring theory, research, practices, and policies in child welfare.  This is one of three administration and supervision courses offered by the Credit for Learning Program.

Prerequisites:  Permission of the Credit for Learning (CFL) Program.
Co-requisites: SWRK 576 and SWRK 577

SWRK 579
Partnership in Assessing Children and Families: Collaborative Assessment and Documentation (3 hours)

Provides students with a comprehensive introduction to assessment and provision of ongoing services in cases of child maltreatment as well as abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults.(Open only to  Department for Community Based Services, Protection and Permanency workers)





 Last Modified 3/25/25