Create your own Objectives - School of Teacher Education
Create your own objectives
The assignment for a high school sophomore first year journalism class is to write two short news articles (500 to 1000 words) for the school newspaper this semester. The articles should be concerned with school events, activities, school personnel, or a student interest story. The articles will be submitted to the editor and assistant editor of the school paper and to the journalism teacher responsible for the school paper. These three persons must approve the two articles submitted. The criteria for approval and course evaluation will be quality of writing, the subject and content of each article, and the article’s appropriateness for printing.
Click in the box and write an appropriate instructional objective which was probably written before this activity was assigned.
The School of Teacher Education
Gary A. Ransdell Hall, Office 1005
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11030,
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030
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