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Insurance (Property & Vehicle)

Insurance (Property & Vehicle) is responsible for maintaining appropriate coverages on WKU property and vehicles, as well as professional liability and general liability coverages for a variety of departmental services and certain short term events. The department handles all auto and property claims as well as claims filed through the Kentucky State Board of Claims. Insurance (Property & Vehicle) is also responsible for approving university driver applications and maintaining the University Approved Driver's listing. 

Equipment Insurance Info


Approved Drivers

To drive a university-owned, leased, or rented vehicle, you must be on the approved driver's list and follow WKU's vehicle policy.

Rental Vehicles

WKU provides insurance for rental vehicles used for business purposes. Drivers must be on the approved list and follow rental procedures.


Contact Us

Insurance (Property & Vehicle)
1906 College Heights Blvd. 
Wetherby Administration Building, G-19
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1002

(270) 745-5859  


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 Last Modified 3/17/25