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Purchasing - Procurement Card Program

The purpose of the Western Kentucky University Procurement Card Program is to establish a more efficient, cost-effective method for purchasing and paying for small dollar value transactions.  The procurement card is a tool that reduces transaction costs, facilitates timely acquisition of materials and supplies, automates data flow for accounting purposes, and offers flexible control to help ensure proper usage.  The Program is designed to replace most purchases and payments including petty cash, payment authorizations and purchase order requisitions.

With this efficiency and flexibility, card holders, card holder supervisors and record keepers must be familiar and comply with the Procurement Card Policy.  Failure to follow guidelines and procedures provided in this fiscal policy will lead to termination of purchasing privileges and possible disciplinary actions.

The continued success of the procurement card program depends upon the appropriate use of the card and strict compliance with fiscal policies.


  • Administer procurement cards on campus

  • Audit and monitor transactions

  • Train departments on procurement card procedures and policies

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 Last Modified 7/1/24