Individual Travel FAQs
Everything you need to know, from booking flights and lodging to handling reimbursements and expense policies. Whether you're traveling domestically or internationally, find clear answers to common questions and ensure your trip follows WKU guidelines.
1906 College Heights Blvd., #11002
Wetherby Administration Building, G-21
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1002
(270) 745-5327
Personal vehicle mileage will be made at the prevailing state mileage rate as established by the Kentucky Finance & Administration Cabinet.
For the use of rental car, University owned or leased vehicle, you may claim fuel purchases but may not claim mileage. The original receipts for rental and fuel must accompany the travel voucher.
Nashville Airport Parking - Reimbursement for parking at BNA will equal the current rate cost of lots A,B, or C. (Economy and Terminal Lots)
Valet Parking - The additional expense for valet parking is not allowable when self-park options are available. There are certain circumstances where valet would be allowable (example: transporting large amounts of material to hotel or requiring in/out privileges).
The contents of the conference agenda/schedule assists in determining the business purpose, location, and dates, as well as which meals, if any, were included in the conference registration fee.
It is very helpful when processing travel vouchers to review a copy of the paid lodging receipt in order to prevent duplicate reimbursement for meals if accidentally charged on lodging receipt.
The original itemized paid receipt from a hotel showing the traveler's name, dates of service, detailed list of charges, and payment. A confirmation or itinerary are not valid receipts.
M&IE = Meals and Incidental Expenses
Subsistence means amounts deemed to have been expended by an agent, employee, or other person authorized to receive reimbursement for meals, including tax and tips (max.18%), while traveling on official WKU business, but shall not include any meals which may be included in charges for lodging or in registration feeds paid by or on behalf of an employee.
This M&IE amount does include tips, as well as transportation between places of lodging or business and places where meals are taken, if suitable meals can be obtained at the temporary duty site.
The traveler must be in travel status throughout the time frames established below:
- Breakfast - must begin travel status at 6:30 A.M. or before and return at 9:00 A.M. or after
- Lunch - must begin travel status at 11:00 A.M. or before and return at 2:00 P.M. or after
- Dinner - must begin travel status at 5:00 P.M. or before and return at 9:00 P.M. or after
Airline tickets reflecting redemption of airline credits, ticket exchanges, points, and etc. are not valid paid receipts. For reimbursement, the travel office will need:
- The airfare receipt showing credits/funds used (amount) and flight information
- The original paid airfare receipt that resulted in the credit and flight information