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Individual Tutoring

The Learning Center offers support for over 100 undergraduate courses and academic success skills. You can meet with a Peer Tutor in Downing Student Union (DSU) 1082 or online via Zoom. Schedule an appointment today!


Undergraduate courses: To determine if The Learning Center offers tutoring for a specific course, log into TutorTrac and follow the prompts to schedule an appointment.

Academic success skills: The Learning Center provides support in five key areas.

Paper  Exam-taking
Pencil  Note-taking
Book  Reading
Brain  Study skills
Clock  Time management

Follow the appointment scheduling instructions to meet with a Peer Tutor. We look forward to working with you!

Two students working together in a private study room


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Peer Tutors are current undergraduate students who have successfully completed the course. Meetings are active, informal, and customized to achieve your unique academic goals. All Peer Tutors have been extensively trained and certified through the College Reading and Learning Association.


Students studying at The Learning Center
In-Person Appointments

1. Visit The Learning Center in Downing Student Union (DSU) 1082. Refer to the WKU campus map to locate the building.

2. After you enter the main doors, move toward the four private rooms to the right of the large study space.

3. Find the sign with the name of your Peer Tutor, which will be displayed outside one of the four rooms.

Students working on laptops
Online Appointments

1. Locate the Zoom link prior to your appointment. This can be found:

2. About 5 minutes before your appointment start time, click on the Zoom link to enter the virtual meeting space. Make sure to turn on your video and microphone. Please use the Zoom support pages to address any technical issues.


To ensure your conversation is productive, please bring your own supplies or materials to the appointment. This might include a textbook, laptop or tablet, writing utensil, notes, assignment instructions, homework problems, prior exams, professor feedback, or calculator. Peer Tutors do not have access to your course information, syllabus, or Blackboard site. If you need to print anything, please visit one of the on-campus Student Technology Centers prior to the appointment.


Individual Appointment FAQs

 Last Modified 9/10/24