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Greek Week

Greek Week celebrates the establishment of the Greek Community and its unity. The week is a time for the Greek Community as a whole to show its passion for scholarship, service, leadership, and brotherhood and sisterhood. 


2023 Greek Week Video Video Preview


2024 Events Schedule:


April 13


April 15

Faculty/Staff Appreciation Dinner

April 15

Blood Drive

April 15-17

Greek Jeopardy

April 16

Events Day

April 18


April 19

Spring Sing

April 20


April 21


For updates, follow @WKUGreeks or @WKU_GreekWeek on Twitter




Spring Sing is a song and dance competition between fraternities and sororities. Members choreograph a five to seven minute routine to perform with the year's chosen theme. The performances are judged on creativity, originality, singing, overall performance and several other categories. Organizations spend several months preparing for this big performance. This event kicks off Greek Week and is one of most memorable events.


Banner is another way to promote the upcoming events of Greek Week. Each fraternity and sorority chapter designs a banner to the Greek Week theme. The banners are hung up in Downing Student Union (DSU) on Monday of Greek Week for everyone to view.

Blood Drive is a three day event hosted by the American Red Cross. The 2019 blood drive will be held in April (Date TBA) at the Preston Health and Activity center. In 2017, WKU donated 1,288 productive units. This is the largest Blood Drive the Red Cross does in the KY-TN region! Organizations are encouraged to donate and get other faculty members, students, and the community involved.

Faculty Appreciation Day is a day for fraternities and sororities to give back to faculty members. Each organization nominates a faculty member based on interaction with the chapters and how they have affected the members. A member from each organization takes the nominated faculty member to Mariah's for an awards dinner. This is a very special dinner and another way to say thanks to our faculty members for helping our Greek system grow.

Greek Feud is a Jeopardy style game. Each chapter nominates one person to represent their organization and they are asked questions from what is a fraternity's mascot to who is the first president of WKU. Members are expected to have full knowledge of WKU's history, all fraternities and sororities, and Greek Week trivia. Greek Feud is held in the middle of Greek Week and is a fun, interactive game between fraternities and sororities.


Events Day is filled with several different activities that occur at the Colonnades. Events day is a great way to show our Greek pride and be involved with everyone. 


Tug Day isn't your typical tug-of-war. Fraternities and sororities get down and dirty with strategies and techniques when they are pulling on the rope. Chapters train and practice for several months for this one day. Tug is Friday of Greek Week and is held at the WKU Ag Exposition Center.

Philanthropy Day has chapters collecting canned food items that will be donated to various Bowling Green charitable organizations.  Before donating, chapters create a structure using the canned food items based off of the them of Greek Week.  In 2017, over 47,000 canned food items were donated to various Bowling Green charitable organizations. 

After a week of fun and hard work, we honor our organizations for their effort throughout the year and announce Greek Week winners. This ceremony wraps up the entire week and really gives chapters a chance to shine in their achievements. It also allows the entire Greek community to come together and appreciate each other as a Greek. Awards Convocation recognizes winners of Greek Hall of Fame, Greek Women/Man of the Year, Charley Pride Spirit Award, Chapter Achievement awards, and Greek Week winners.




 Last Modified 6/23/23