Panhellenic Association
Panhellenic Council
The Panhellenic Council at Western Kentucky University is the governing body of the 9 National Panhellenic Conference sororities on campus, as well as our local sorority, Sigma Alpha, and the service sorority, Omega Phi Alpha. The Panhellenic Council strives to create the best possible college experience for all of its members and member organizations by operating under its core ideology: promote the positive, develop women, create an environment of unity and fairness.
The Panhellenic Council holds weekly meetings in order to best serve the community by planning educational, philanthropic, academic, and other events for the community. The Panhellenic Council also works very closely with the Interfraternity Council (IFC) and National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) to help foster the four main aspects of Greek life: scholarship, leadership, service, and sisterhood/brotherhood.

Panhellenic Council Executive Officers
President: Anne-Marie Wright | 1st Vice President: Skyler Richardson | 2nd Vice President: Landry Steenbergen |
Secretary: Abbi Young | Treasurer: Madi Rompala | Recruitment Director: Taylor Richardson |
Gamma Chi Director: Madelyn Wilson | Publications Director: Sami Todt | Activities Director: Molly Claire Abell |
Public Relations: Kaleigh Smith | Scholarship: Rosie Ribble | Circle of Sisterhood Director: Rachel Chrisman |
Director of Diversity and Inclusion: Carrie Cavitt |