Gender & Women's Studies Code of Ethics
The Gender & Women's Studies Program is committed to fostering an atmosphere of open and honest communication. For this reason, we adhere to a strict policy of consequences for plagiarism—both intentional copying and sloppy documentation. Examples of plagiarism include taking material from other sources—the Internet is increasingly used for this purpose—or failing to give credit in your papers or online discussions to the original source. Improper use of citation and documentation can also constitute plagiarism, whether it's intended or not.
Plagiarism is a very serious violation of academic rules and can lead to a failing grade, probation, suspension, or even expulsion from the University. All students are expected to follow the WKU Student Code of Conduct, which itemizes behaviors that are not tolerated: "Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, misrepresenting of oneself or an organization, knowingly furnishing false information to the University, or omitting relevant or necessary information to gain a benefit, to injure, or to defraud is prohibited."
Assignments are diligently checked for plagiarism, so all sources of information should be appropriately cited to avoid any gray areas. Anyone turning in plagiarized work or cheating on exams will receive an F for the assignment(s), perhaps for the course, and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct.
A second offense will in all likelihood result in dismissal from the GWS program.