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Evidence & Agrument Logo

A simple phrase, but one that embodies a critically-important concept.  Recent surveys commissioned by the American Association of Colleges and Universities have shown that 68% of employers want to hire graduates with better preparation in locating, organizing, and evaluating information, and 89% of employers say written and oral communication skills need to be better developed in college.  In order to meet these expectations, we need to help students develop the skills to marshal evidence in support of their point of view, and communicate their ideas clearly and persuasively.  These are essential skills for the workplace and beyond.  As Desmond Tutu said, “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.”

Evidence & Argument is designed to develop students’ abilities in three specific  areas:

(1) Evidence-Gathering – gathering sound and relevant evidence to address an issue;

(2) Sense-Making – analyzing and synthesizing the assembled evidence; and

(3) Argumentation – articulating a logical and supported argument based on the analysis. 

Beginning in Fall 2015 and over the subsequent five years, look for E&A to positively impact teaching and learning within the Colonnade Program and beyond.  Use the links at left to track the progress of key initiatives.  More important, seek out ways to become directly involved, by participating in professional development opportunities, sharing your expertise and teaching resources with the university community, and embedding E&A concepts and modules within your courses. Be sure as well to regularly check the impact we are having on student learning, as evidenced by our ongoing assessment findings. 

Want more information?  Contact the E&A Leadership Team to learn more.

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 Last Modified 1/28/25