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Change of Major Information

Change of Major Information

Students have the freedom to declare their major, minor, or concentration from the moment they enter WKU. Understandably, many times students need to change their major, minor, or concentrations. If that does occur, students need to fill out the "Change of Major" form. The Change of Major form is available to students in TopNet under the "Student Services/Student Records" menu item. All students may utilize this form except:

  • Graduate students
  • Undergraduate students with a degree program on file. These students will be directed to the Office of the Registrar to discuss the steps for changing a program of student after the degree program has been filed.
  • Undergraduate students pursuing more than two majors will be directed to the Advising & Career Development Center

Students who have questions regarding this form should feel free to contact the Advising & Career Development Center located within the Downing Student Union (DSU) 2141 or by calling (270) 745-5065 to speak with an advisor.




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 Last Modified 10/22/20