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Internship Database Submission

Internship Database Submission

Internships are an educational opportunity.   An internship consists of services for experience between a student and an employer.  Internships help students to determine if they have an interest in a particular career, help them create a network of contacts and in some cases achieve course credit.  Some interns find permanent, paid employment with the organizations for which they worked upon completion of the internship.

Interns may or may not be receiving hours of upper-level academic credit from the Gordon Ford College of Business for completing their internship with a participating business.  No matter the circumstance, GFCB appreciates the opportunity for students to receive legitimate, real-world experience that is directly related to the student’s major.  Routine filing, copying and answering phones are important parts of jobs; however these duties and responsibilities should not represent more than approximately 25% of the interns’ activities.  If an intern is receiving course credit, please abide by the number of hours they must work in order to receive their credit.


Internship Learning Experiences and Responsibilities

I understand that this submission is only for the Internship Database Tracking and that in order to enroll in course credit I must follow the application process for my major.


The Gordon Ford College of Business is a top business school with dual AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting programs.



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 Last Modified 7/13/23