WKU - GFCB - QTAG Application Form
Two Types of QTAGs
Type #1: Quick Turn-Around Grants (QTAG) are small grants of up to $1,500 for research and creative activity, funded by Facilities & Administrative costs accrued through the external grant process. These funds are provided to support critical and immediate needs and are intended to be spent within three months of being awarded.
Type #2: Collaborative Quick Turn-Around Grants (C-QTAGs) are an enhanced internal funding mechanism in the Research Pathway within GFCB. These are small grants in the amount of up to $3,000 to support the mission and vision of WKU as a student-centered applied research university. These grants are designed to support faculty, staff, and students to conduct collaborative pilot research that builds upon previous QTAGS or enhances the research agendas of the collaborators. This funding opportunity requires that collaborators identify potential publication(s) following completion of the project. C-QTAGs are a secondary step in the internal funding process of GFCB to assist faculty in building their research portfolio.
The basic requirements for a C-QTAG are the following:
- There must be a team of at least three (3) collaborators on the application (two of which must be tenure track faculty).
- A minimum of two units within GFCB must be represented on the C-QTAG application. For example, this might be two departments, two GFCB Applied Research Centers, a combination of departments/Centers, or a Center and a Department.
- The collaborating units on a C-QTAG application may not be limited to a Center and the primary department associated with a Center. In this case, there would also need to be an additional collaborating unit, such as another Center or Department or another unit.
- An individual may be a PI on only one Collaborative QTAG.
- An individual may participate on a maximum of two (2) Collaborative QTAGs in an academic year.
- The minimum funding is $1,501 and the maximum is $3,000.
- Priority will be given to pilot research projects that build on previous QTAGs or enhances the research agendas of the collaborators.
- C-QTAGs follow the application process of standard QTAGs.
- C-QTAGs have a project period that ends May 15th of each academic year.
- A final report is due by May 15.
Application Process: A basic requirement of any C-QTAG is that a minimum of two tenure track faculty members must be on the grant application. Tenure track faculty may serve in the role of Principal Investigator (PI), Co-Principal Investigator, or (Co-PI) on a C-QTAG. It is highly recommended that the PI for a C-QTAG be a tenure track faculty member. Other faculty, instructors, staff, and students may be included on C-QTAG applications in roles such as Co-PI.
Types of eligible expenses for QTAG (or C-QTAG) include:
- Costs associated with data collection (such as survey postage, printing, etc.),
- Travel, shipping, or other expenses to conduct a research project & (but not conference attendance),
- Purchase of lab supplies to support research (such as software or equipment for the research project of the faculty member),
- Travel to conduct research at another site, such as to other universities,
- Funds may also be used to support research assistant(s); other expenses to conduct research/creative activity, or the dissemination of research as an intervention or to develop an intervention training program that will be the basis of an internal or external grant.
Funding Limit and Cycles: QTAG & C-QTAG applications will be accepted each month beginning July 1st of each academic year until March 31st of the following Spring semester. Applications must be submitted by the last day of the month. The GFCB Research Committee will review each application and forward their recommendation to the Dean for approval. Awards will be made by the 15th of the following month. This is a rolling application period beginning July 1st and ending March 31st each academic year, until funds are expended. No applications will be accepted in April, May, or June within the academic year. All funds must be expended by the May 15th. The academic year runs from July 1st to June 1st. Unsuccessful applications may be revised and resubmitted for subsequent funding cycles.
If you have questions whether a specific research project may be funded through the QTAG or C-QTAG mechanism, please contact your department’s representative on the GFCB Research Committee.
Outcomes: We must report on the outcomes of the QTAG or C-GTAG grants in our college. We would like to maximize the impact of QTAG (or C-GTAG) funding in the college as part of an argument to continue the QTAG (or C-GTAG) grants in later years. Therefore, please fill out the attached survey (QTAG Outcomes Survey) by May 15.
Please note: If the project involves human subjects, animal subjects, export control issues, rDNA/RGZ microbe, or bio-hazards, appropriate institutional approval(s) must be obtained before the project begins and funds are spent. Contact the Office of Research Integrity at ori@wku.edu for further information or visit http://www.wku.edu/compliance/.
Please complete all parts of the application (provided below) thoughtfully and thoroughly. Only fully completed applications will be considered for funding.
Note that the QTAG or C-QTAG application form listed on this Webpage is ONLY for Faculty teaching in Gordon Ford College of Business!
QTAG Annual Reports