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Colonnade Program

WKU Colonnade Program

Create a foundation in the WKU Colonnade Program by viewing the below pages. 

Faculty: If you're looking for course proposal forms and information click here.


Why Colonnade  Colonnade Requirements  Approved Courses



The Colonnade Program is the name of WKU’s distinctive General Education curriculum. WKU has adopted the Colonnade Program to ensure that each student possesses certain academic skills, a breadth of human knowledge, and an appreciation for the diversity of ideas and perspectives that exist in the nation and world. All Colonnade courses are designed to challenge you, inspire you, and, most importantly, prepare you for the future.

The Colonnade Program is far more than introductory courses that students pursue before completing coursework in their majors or minors. Instead, the Colonnade Program is truly a core—a common intellectual and academic experience shared by every student in every program of study. Moreover, the Colonnade Program is dynamic. All of us learn in stages, and the curriculum is designed to help you as you progress from your first semester to graduation. In Foundations and Explorations courses you will be challenged to gain an appreciation for the fact that there is far more than one way of “knowing” something while Connections courses will engage you in reflection on your years at WKU and also your future as a life-long learner.  


Student Registration Reminder

Who participates in the WKU Colonnade Program? 

All beginning freshmen who first entered WKU since fall 2014 fall semester as degree-seeking students follow the Colonnade Program requirements. Readmitted students with a catalog term older than seven years are also accountable for the Colonnade Program requirements. All transfer students who entered WKU since fall 2014 as degree-seeking students are accountable for the Colonnade Program requirements, EXCEPT those who have fulfilled the Kentucky General Education requirements and are admitted to WKU as “fully certified” OR those who have joint admission/ enrollment status prior to 2014 fall.


How do I get started? 

Now that you are ready to begin your academic plan,

1. View the Colonnade Requirements to learn more about your progression through Foundations, Explorations, and Connections.

2. View the WKU Colonnade Program's Approved Courses page to view the many courses available to you at Western Kentucky University.

3. Login to your student account via Topnet to identify your academic advisor and set up an appointment to meet with him or her if one has not already been set for you. If you have any questions, visit or contact the Advising and Career Development Center

4. Once your academic advisor gives you access to register, complete your registration process via Topnet. 

Learning Now for a Lifetime


Dates to Remember

WKU Registration Guide


 Last Modified 2/7/24