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WKU Colonnade Program

Dr. Jennifer Mize Smith instructing COMM course

Colonnade Program - Frequently Asked Questions


1. What are the Colonnade Program requirements?

A complete description of the Colonnade Program is available here.

Additional courses will be added to the website following approval by the University Senate and Provost.


2. To whom do the Colonnade Program requirements apply?
All beginning freshmen who first enter WKU in the 2014 fall semester as degree-seeking students will follow the Colonnade Program requirements. Readmitted students with a catalog term older than seven years are accountable for the Colonnade Program requirements. All transfer students who enter WKU in 2014 fall as degree-seeking students are accountable for the Colonnade Program requirements, EXCEPT those who have fulfilled the Kentucky General Education requirements and are admitted to WKU as “fully certified” OR those who have joint admission/ enrollment status prior to 2014 fall.


3. Can a student with a catalog term prior to the 2014 fall semester change the catalog term to 2014 fall (or thereafter), but continue to follow the “old” GenEd requirements?
Yes. When a student files a Change of Catalog Term request, the preferred general education program (i.e., Colonnade Program or “old” GenEd requirements) can be indicated at that time.


4. Can a student admitted with a catalog term of 2014 fall or thereafter follow the “old” GenEd requirements?


5. How will an advisor know which general education program (i.e., Colonnade Program or “old” GenEd) a student is following?
The student’s iCAP report will reflect the specific general education program for which the student is accountable. In addition, the TopNet General Student Information tab will provide that information.


6. Can courses taken prior to 2014 fall (at WKU or elsewhere) that have been approved as Colonnade Program courses count toward Colonnade Program requirements if the student has a catalog term of 2014 fall or thereafter?


7. Will HIST 119/120 (taken prior to 2014 fall) be acceptable in place of HIST 101/102?
Yes. iCAP has been programmed to accept HIST 119/120 in place of HIST 101/102.


8. How will an advisor know if a student is eligible to enroll in Connections courses (i.e., have a total of 21 [earned plus in-progress] hours of Foundations and Explorations courses, OR have Junior status)?
If a student is eligible to enroll in Connections courses, a “blue” statement will appear just prior to the Connections section affirming the student’s eligibility for Connections courses. Students who have not fulfilled this requirement will be blocked  from registration into Connections courses.


World Language Requirement

1. Is the World Language requirement a Colonnade Program requirement, or is it a separate graduation requirement? How will an advisor know if a student has fulfilled the World Language requirement?
The World Language requirement is a Colonnade Program requirement, and the student’s iCAP report will reflect whether or not the student has fulfilled the requirement. If a student fulfills the requirement by earning credit in the second level of a language, the iCAP report will reflect completion of the requirement.


2. What are the ways in which students can demonstrate “novice high” World Language proficiency?
Incoming students may demonstrate “novice high” language proficiency prior to enrolling at WKU by presenting assessment results from one of the approved standardized exams: AAPPL exam, AP exam, CLEP exam, STAMP Assessment, and the Modern Languages Departmental Exam. Students who do not present an assessment score of “novice high” prior to enrolling at WKU may meet the requirement by successfully completing (with a grade of A, B, or C) an approved language course.  The list of approved courses is available on the Colonnade website.


3. Where are the World Language proficiency exams offered?
Students may take the STAMP assessment in high school or WKU’s Testing Center. Plans are being developed for the AAPPL assessments. The Modern Languages Departmental Exam is administered within the department.


4. May a student take a foreign language 101 course and then take a World Language proficiency exam?
Yes. A student may test for proficiency at any time.


5. Where can advisors view the World Language proficiency assessment scores?
If a student has taken one of the World Language proficiency assessments, indication of the proficiency level will appear on TopNet under Advisors and Student Data Inquiry, Test Scores and Course Eligibility section.


Transfer Students

1. What is the impact of the Colonnade Program upon transfer students who are admitted for the 2014 fall semester and thereafter?
The Kentucky General Education Transfer Agreement is used in the Colonnade Program. Transfer students from Kentucky public institutions or Volunteer State Community College (TN) who are admitted and enroll at WKU beginning with the 2014 fall semester and who are “fully certified” will not be required to enroll in any Colonnade Program courses or fulfill the World Language requirement. If a transfer student has not earned an AA or AS degree or is not “fully certified,” additional Colonnade Program courses and the World Language requirement may be required; the iCAP report will indicate the necessary requirements. (Note that students who earn an AA or AS degree from WKU are not transfer students, nor are they considered fully certified.)
Transfer students who are admitted as joint admission/ enrollment students are assigned the catalog term of their first term of joint admission/ enrollment; therefore, if they were admitted and enrolled as a joint enrollment student prior to 2014 fall, they will follow the “old” GenEd requirements. However, they may switch to the Colonnade Program by filing a Change of Catalog Term request and selecting Colonnade as their preferred general education program.


2. Will transfer courses be accepted as Connections courses?
Yes, if transfer courses have been articulated as equivalents to Connections courses, they will
will be accepted into the Connections category of the Colonnade Program.


Impact upon specific student populations

1. What is the Colonnade Program’s impact upon high school students who were dually enrolled in WKU courses or who earned proficiency credit in WKU course (i.e., AP or CLEP credit)?
Dual credit students enrolled in WKU courses and students who earned proficiency credit while in high school are non-degree students while they are enrolled in high school, and they are not given a catalog term until they enroll as degree-seeking students. Therefore, dual credit students and students who earned proficiency credit who are admitted as degree-seeking beginning freshmen for the 2014 fall semester and thereafter will follow Colonnade Program requirements.


2. What is the impact of Colonnade Program requirements upon Gatton Academy students who choose to continue their education at WKU following graduation from the Gatton Academy?
Gatton Academy students are assigned the catalog term of their first semester of enrollment as a Gatton Academy student. Therefore, the first Gatton Academy students to be accountable for Colonnade Program requirements will be those who are juniors in the 2014 fall semester and who enter WKU as regular degree-seeking students following their graduation in May, 2016.

 Last Modified 10/11/18