WKU Colonnade Program
Student Resources
WKU adopted state and national standards when developing the new general education program implemented in fall 2014. These standards are published in the WKU Undergraduate Catalog.
The 2001-2014 General Education Program identified ten core competencies, published in the Undergraduate Catalog provides a foundation for professional success. Pertinent information about the program and requirements follows:
Many education abroad programs available through WKU—including WKU Faculty-Led, KIIS, and CCSA programs—offer WKU courses that fulfill Colonnade general education requirements. Students who study abroad on other types of programs through third party providers or overseas partner institutions must obtain course approval from the appropriate department to receive Colonnade transfer credit through the process outlined above. The department head authorized to approve a specific equivalency is the chair of the academic department that offers the Colonnade course at WKU.
Approvals of Colonnade equivalencies should be recorded on the Request for Transfer Equivalencies form and must be made applicable to all students. Approved course equivalents will be added to the Transfer Credit Articulation database, and students who take the same courses in the future will not be required to request approval. If a department head indicates s/he would only support a one-time approval (course substitution) for Colonnade credit, the student may appeal to the Committee on Credits and Graduation (see instructions here).
It is often easiest to obtain approval for study abroad courses to count in the Explorations portion of the Colonnade program; whereas, it can be more challenging to match study abroad coursework to Connections courses, many of which are unique to WKU. The most current listing of approved Colonnade courses can be found under the “Approved Courses” link on the Colonnade website.
For more information contact Study Abroad at study.abroad@wku.edu or phone number 270-745-2571.