WKU Colonnade Program
Learning Outcomes
The 39-hour WKU Colonnade Program adopted state and national standards when developing the new general education program implemented in Fall 2014. The American Association of colleges and Universities, Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP), a national effort, provided the “essential aims, learning outcomes, and guiding principles for a twenty-first century college education. The student learning outcomes (SLOs) are as follows:
1. Knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, including:
a. An informed acquaintance with major achievements in the arts and the humanities
b. An appreciation of the complexity and variety of the world's cultures;
c. An understanding of the scientific method and a knowledge of natural science and its relevance in our lives;
d. A historical perspective and an understanding of connections between past and present.
2. Intellectual and practical skills, including:
a. The capacity for critical and logical thinking;
b. Proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking;
c. The ability to understand and apply mathematical skills and concepts.
3. Personal and social responsibility, including:
a. An understanding of society and human behavior;
b. An understanding of factors that enhance health, well-being, and quality of life.
4. Integrative Learning, including:
a. Synthesis and advanced accomplishments across general and specialized studies.