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Summer 2025 Consortium Dates

A Consortium Agreement is a written agreement between two schools. It will allow the student to receive the maximum amount of federal aid for which he/she is eligible to receive during any given academic semester. However, a student may only receive his/her financial aid from one school.

For Spring 2025 dates, click here.


A WKU Consortium Agreement allows a WKU student to take classes at both WKU and a visiting school while receiving financial aid for the total number of credit hours completed at both institutions. However, the student will only be the recipient of financial aid from WKU (Home Institution).


For the Fall Semester, WKU student John Doe takes six credit hours at Neverland College and three credit hours at WKU. By completing a WKU Consortium Agreement, this student could receive financial aid for nine credit hours at WKU. 

Note: Effective Spring 2020, WKU students are limited to 2 consortium agreements for their entire academic career. Consortium agreements completed for semesters prior ro Spring 2020 do not count toward this limit. 

All students attending two separate colleges or universities in a single semester must submit a consortium request and have a consortium agreement processed if they wish to use their hours at the visiting school for financial aid calculation purposes. Even if you are a joint admissions student, you must still submit a consortium request if you wish to use those hours for financial aid purposes with WKU. 

No. You can only receive financial aid from one college or university each semester. The Home School, the one from which you are receiving your degree, will award your financial aid. The Visiting School is the one at which you are taking additional classes.

Also, remember that the credit hours taken at the Visiting School will not reflect on your WKU TopNet account. However, they will reflect in your financial aid award. 

Note: Effective Spring 2020, WKU students are limited to 2 consortium agreements for their entire academic career. Consortium agreements completed for semesters prior to Spring 2020 do not count toward this limit.

In order for you to submit a consortium request you must be admitted to WKU as a degree-seeking student, have a current FAFSA on file, and if you were selected for Verification you must have submitted all required documents. You must also be in good academic standing for financial aid. If you need to add WKU to your FAFSA, you may do this online. The school code for WKU is 002002.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Don’t submit your consortium request until you have enrolled in all your classes at your visiting school. You must be enrolled in WKU hours in order to do a WKU Consortium Agreement .

In certain situations, you may request all your classes at your visiting school for one semester only . In this case, you would have to submit a Waiver of Enrollment, which is found under the Financial Aid menu on TopNet. However, be advised that approval of waivers are an exception based on extenuating circumstances. For example, if you request a waiver simply because you can no longer receive financial aid at a community college, your waiver will not be approved.

Your refund, if you are due any, is normally sent the week following your financial aid being paid to your WKU account. To view your account summary visit TopNet and select Student Services, then click Student Records and view your account summary by term.

If you need assistance in selecting your refund preference with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc., visit the Office of Student Billing & Account Services.  

You are responsible for paying the tuition charges at your visiting school.  There is no school-to-school payment.  

WKU Institutional Scholarships are ONLY able to be awarded if a student is enrolled full-time in WKU coursework. This includes academic, transfer, supplemental, and WKU College Heights Foundation scholarships. 

At the end of each semester that you participate in a consortium, you must submit an OFFICIAL COPY of your semester grades to the WKU Transfer Center. The WKU Department of Student Financial Assistance will review transcripts sent to the WKU Transfer Center on a regular basis and will clear consortium grade holds on a regular basis. There is no need to pay for two transcripts to be sent.

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 Last Modified 2/5/25