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Veterans Affairs

VA Payment Information


Advance Payment

We do not participate in advance payment.


Chapters 30 (active duty) and 1606 (reservists) MUST verify their certification the last day of every month in order to receive their monthly education benefit.

You can either verify by phone at 1-877-823-2378 or online at www.gibill.va.gov/wave/. You will need to verify that the information submitted to VA by the VA Coordinator at WKU is correct and has not changed.

If the information has changed, you need to contact VA and your VA Coordinator at WKU.

If you fail to verify the information on the last day of every month, your benefits will be terminated by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Term Dates/Training Time

Semester Hour Classification Scale
The Veterans Administration uses the semester hour classification scale below to determine a veteran's payment. The number of semester hours enrolled at this university are those reported to the Veterans Administration. This classification scale is used only for the fall and spring semesters. The summer sessions are calculated differently.

Undergraduate- Fall or Spring

12 hours or more..................Full-time
9-11 hours ............................3/4 time
6-8 hours ..............................1/2 time
4-5 hours.............................. Less than 1/2 time; more than 1/4 time
1-3 hours .............................1/4 time (constitutes tuition and fees only)

If you register for courses in either the 1st or 2nd bi-term, your training time will be calculated according to the dates of the bi-term. Example: if you register for 9 hours for the full term and 3 hours in the 1st biterm, you will be full-time from 8/23/?? - 10/18/?? and three-quarter time from 10/19/?? - 12/17/??.


VA considers the Summer Sessions to be individual semesters/terms. Therefore, each session is certified independently of other sessions. Please check out the dates for summer training time.


Changes need to be reported to the VA Coordinator within 5 working days. See CHANGES under the GENERAL INFORMATION link.

Add Courses:
An increase in your enrollment must be reported to the VA Office @ WKU on the Change In Status Form.

VA will not pay benefits to an individual for a course from which the individual withdraws or receives a nonpunitive grade which is not used in computing the requirements for graduation (38 USC 3680). All withdrawals must be reported to the VA Office @ WKU on the Change in Status form.  More information about withdrawals can be found on the website for the Registrar's Office.

 Last Modified 6/8/23