Application Process for SCATS
To apply for SCATS, students must:
- Be nominated by a teacher, a counselor, or a principal.
- Complete grade 6, 7, or 8 by the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
- Show high interest/achievement in one or more content areas.
In addition, students must:
- Be eligible for services as a gifted child OR
- Have an IQ score of 125 or above OR
- Have a score at or above the 90th percentile on the total battery OR
- Have a score at or above the 95th percentile on the total mathematics or language arts/reading section of the most recent achievement test OR
- Have scored at the distinguished level on performance assessment measures
If your child does not meet above requirements but you believe SCATS is the right opportunity for your child or if you have any questions about eligibility, please call us at (270) 745-6323. We would be happy to talk with you.
Application Submission
The application must be submitted by the parent or guardian.
A deposit of $200 must be included with the completed application. Make checks payable to The Center for Gifted Studies. Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are accepted with a 2% convenience fee at This deposit will not be refunded after the student has been accepted.
Enrollment for residential students is limited to 150; the number of nonresidential students is limited to 30. Applications will be accepted in the order they are received.
Course Selection
- Accepted students will be sent a course list selection form two weeks before the start of camp.
- Campers will rank their top 10 classes and return the form.
- Students will be placed into four of their top choices. A schedule of classes, times, and locations will be shared upon arrival at SCATS.
The cost for residential campers is $2,600. This amount includes all costs except spending money. A deposit of $200 must be included with the completed application (see above). The deposit will not be refunded after the student has been accepted to SCATS.
The cost for nonresidential campers is $1,200. This amount includes all costs except spending money. A deposit of $200 must be included with the completed application (see above). The deposit will not be refunded after the student has been accepted to SCATS.
Checks are to be made payable to The Center for Gifted Studies. Visa, Discover, and MasterCard are accepted at with a 2% convenience fee.
The balance of the tuition is due on or before May 15.
Financial Assistance
Limited financial assistance is available to students on the basis of need. Information about some of the funding we offer can be found here. We also encourage you to visit the KAGE Foundation for more information on need-based assistance for gifted summer programs in Kentucky and to inquire with your local school system, nonprofit organizations, and businesses about available funding. SCATS applications must be submitted before applying for financial assistance.
Please note: The deadline for financial assistance applications through KAGE and The Center is April 15.