WKU History Undergraduate Program - Prizes
Awards and Scholarships
The History Department has several scholarships, prizes, and awards to recognize excellence in scholarship among students. These awards commemorate past faculty members of the department.
A. M. Stickles Scholarships:
Three scholarships, one in the amount of $2,000 and two in the amount of $1,200 each, are awarded by a faculty committee on the basis of academic achievement and promise to the profession. Only rising college seniors are eligible. The scholarships are in memory of Dr. Arndt M. Stickles, a founder of the Southern Historical Association and Chairman of Western's History Department from 1908 to 1954. A. M. Stickles Award: This award is given annually to a graduating history major on the basis of outstanding academic achievement.
James H. Poteet Award:
Established in memory of Professor James H. Poteet, a charter member of Eta Pi Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta and Head of the Western Kentucky University History Department from 1954 to 1966, this award is made to the graduating senior or graduate student member of Eta Pi Chapter selected by the faculty of the Department of History on the basis of academic achievement and promise of future valuable contributions to the study and teaching of history.
Richard L. Troutman Award:
Established in 1999, this award is given for excellence in History, in honor of former department head Richard L. Troutman. It is awarded to a graduating senior with a distinguished academic record.
Richard V. Salisbury Award in Latin American History:
Established in memory of Professor Richard V. Salisbury, this award is given for excellence in the field of Latin American History.