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External Scholarships & Fellowships

External Scholarships & Fellowships

ScanDigital Photography Scholarship  

$ 1,000 For A Successful Young Entrepreneur     

Click here for Application and deadlines

This scholarship was started to encourage students who have a passion for photography to further explore and improve their photography skills. Photography has been a significant part of the world for hundreds of years and its impact is apparent in many aspects of society. Photographers are needed among various industries, and are always in demand. If you are interested in becoming the next great contribution to the photography world we want to support you. We would like to recognize your unique talent and academic success by awarding you with the ScanDigital Photography Scholarship.

SESAC Radio and New Media Scholarship/International Broadcasters' IdeaBank Inc. (IBIB)

One scholarship of $10,000 will be awarded to a junior or senior (as of September 2016) at a college or university that offers undergraduate training in radio broadcasting and/or song writing related programs, such as advertising, digital media, communications, journalism, or music composition studies. Some radio experience is considered as a positive, but is not required. This scholarship is funded by SESAC, a music licensing company, (www.sesac.com) which contracts with radio stations for the rights to broadcast music by song writers represented by SESAC. Click here for application and deadlines.

International Radio & Television Society Foundation, Inc.

Summer Fellowship Program


When: typically early June to early August

Where: New York , New York

Application Deadline: Check the IRTS website for current deadlines, typically in November

The Summer Fellowship Program, the most notable student outreach effort of IRTS, teaches up-and-coming communicators the realities of the business world through an expense-paid fellowship, which includes practical experience and career-planning advice. Each year college juniors, seniors and graduate students are selected nationwide to participate in the nine-week Summer Fellowship Program.

The Program begins with an extensive one-week orientation to broadcasting, cable, advertising, and interactive media. Fellows have a rare opportunity to question industry professionals at panels, lectures, and group discussions. They also take related field trips and learn career planning, networking and interviewing skills by attending industry social functions.

Following this first week, Fellows gain full-time "real world" experience at New York-based media corporations to which each is assigned for the duration of the nine-week Fellowship. Fellows are then able to reinforce or redefine specific career goals before settling into a permanent job in the electronic media industry.

COST:  Travel, housing and living allowance included.


International Radio & Television Society Foundation, Inc.

Broadcast Sales Associate Program


When: typically early June to early August

Where: New York , New York

Application Deadline: Check the IRTS website for current deadlines, typically in January

Devoted to increasing diversity in the media and entertainment industry, the International Radio & Television Society Foundation seeks outstanding minority students in their senior year or graduate school to participate in a nine-week summer sales training program. Sales Associates have an exclusive opportunity to participate in a sales training program traditionally reserved for actual station group employees.

Held in tandem with the prestigious IRTS Summer Fellowship Program, the Broadcast Sales Associate Program is a diversity initiative designed to give graduating seniors a jumpstart on the television and radio management track.

The Program includes the one-week Summer Fellowship Program orientation to the media and entertainment business, followed by an eight-week internship experience in the sales division of a network stations group, which includes the customized sales training so highly regarded in our business. It is the perfect opportunity for outstanding new graduates of color to gain immediate access to a sector of our business that typically requires more experience to enter.

The Broadcast Sales Associate Program was initiated by IRTS Chairman, Tom Kane, President and CEO of CBS Television Stations Group. According to Kane, “In order to achieve true diversity in our business, we must get more minorities into management, and sales continues to be the favored track to get there.”

Because the majority of colleges and universities do not offer courses in broadcast sales, previous experience in broadcast sales is not necessary.

COST:  Travel, housing and living allowance included.


The Kentucky Broadcasters Association - Harry Barfield Scholarship


General Information: This is the 21st year for the Kentucky Broadcasters Association (KBA) Harry Barfield Scholarship Awards Program. This spring, the KBA will award up to four (4) college and university students across Kentucky a $2,500 scholarship award for the 2014-15 academic year.

Policy, Guidelines, and Eligibility: The scholarship application process is open to college and university students across the Commonwealth who attend institutions in Kentucky and whose primary residence is in Kentucky, and who are majoring in broadcasting/telecommunications and have demonstrated a sincere interest in pursuing a career in broadcasting. A grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) is desired, although exceptional extracurricular activities and the faculty recommendation are also considered in the evaluation process. Preference will be given to rising juniors (current sophomores). The scholarship is renewable for a second year, provided criteria continue to be met and the student remains in good academic standing at his or her institution.

KBA Scholarship Program

c/o: Carl Nathe, Chair
104 Mathews Building
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0047



Mission Statement:

Founded in memory of James Alan Cox, a television photojournalist, The James Alan Cox Foundation for Student Photographers aims to provide financial support to student photographers of high school and college age. Through a variety of funding, including equipment purchases and scholarships for college and technical school classes, the foundation’s mission is to expand educational and developmental opportunities for student photographers demonstrating interest, talent and financial need.

Type of Awards:
  • Five (5) Digital Cameras will be awarded to five (5) high school students.
  • Five (5) $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to five (5) college or technical school students. Four awards will be for video work while one will be for still photography.

Focus of work and entries: photojournalism. Scholarships will be awarded to those students whose work “tells a story”. This is a fairly broad topic and may include a variety of subject matter and approaches (breaking news, sporting events, etc.) Jim Cox, who was a television photojournalist in Phoenix, always “told a story” through his work, whether it was in video or still photography.

Scholarship applications must be submitted between July 15 and October 15

Find Application Requirements and Forms at:



External Scholarships & Fellowships for Racial Minorities

Asian American Journalists Association Scholarship

Scholarships from $250 to $2,000 will be awarded to students pursuing careers in print, photojournalism or broadcast journalism. Applicants may be high school seniors or college students attending accredited institutions. Graduate students are welcome to apply. Awards are based on involvement or interest in the Asian American community, scholastic achievement, journalistic ability, a desire to pursue a news media career and financial need. Applications must be postmarked by April 15.

For information and applications write:

AAJA Scholarship Awards Committee
1765 Sutter St.
Room 1000
San Francisco, Calif. 94115
(415) 346-2051.

Chips Quinn Scholars Program

The Chips Quinn Scholars Program offers training, paid internships and $1,600 awards to college students or recent graduates of color who are pursuing careers in daily newspaper journalism. College juniors, seniors or graduates within the past year with majors or career goals in newspapers are eligible. The program begins with a four-day orientation program followed by a 10- or 12-week paid internship at a participating newspaper.


Investigative Reporters and Editors Minority Conference Scholarships.

For minority professional journalists or student journalists who wish to attend IRE's annual conference. Applicants must show financial need, racial and ethnic diversity, ability and experience. Scholarship covers IRE conference expenses, transportation, hotel and conference registration fee. Applications available between Jan. 1 and March 1 from:

100 Neff Hall
School of Journalism
University of Missouri
Columbia, Mo. 65211
(314) 882-2042 FAX (314) 882-5431.

Application deadline is March 15.

Joel Garcia Memorial Scholarship.

Twenty to 30 scholarships are awarded by the California Chicano News Media Association to Latino college students majoring in any field, but who must be able to prove a sincere interest in pursuing a career in journalism or mass communication. Scholarships are awarded based on financial need, community awareness, scholastic achievement and commitment to a journalism career.

For information, write:

California Chicano News Media Association
School of Journalism
University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, Calif. 90007.
(213) 743-7158.

$250-$2,000 each.

Knight-Ridder Scholarship Program for Minorities.

Four $5,000 scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors who attend high school in an area served by Knight-Ridder. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years based on a student's academic performance and includes a summer internship at a Knight-Ridder newspaper. Interested high school students should contact their school counselor or journalism teacher during the first semester of their senior year for application information.

Leonard M. Perryman Communications Scholarship for Ethnic Minority Student.

A $2,500 scholarship offered by United Methodist Communications awarded to a junior or senior minority student who intends to pursue a career in religious communications. Scholarship is to be used for undergraduate study in communications at an accredited institution of higher education. Applications available in the fall; deadline for application is Feb. 15.

For information contact:

United Methodist Communications
Suite 1901
475 Riverside Drive
New York, N.Y. 10115.

MALDEF Communications Scholarship Fund.

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) provides financial support to Latino students enrolled in graduate or professional degree programs in communications, including print and broadcast journalism or electronic communications, as well as students attending law school specializing in communications or entertainment law. Among the scholarships is the Ruben Salazar Scholarship. Applicants must demonstrate involvement with, and commitment to serve the Latino community; show financial need; and provide proof of academic achievement and potential for completion of a graduate or law degree. Applicants attend the school of their choice. For an application form and application requirements write to:

Communications Scholarship Program
634 S. Spring St.
11th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90014-1974 
call 213-629-2512 ext. 109; Fax 213-629-3120.

National Association of Black Journalists Scholarship.

For college undergraduate and graduate students. (Applicants must have completed at least one full semester of college to be eligible.) For information on the $2,500 award, contact:

11600 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, Va. 22091.

National Association of Black Journalists Scholarship for High School Students.

Two four-year sustaining scholarships will be awarded to students graduating from high school who plan to pursue careers in journalism. Recipients must s how proof of enrollment and maintain a 2.5 GPA to renew the scholarship. Students may attend the school of their choice. For information, write:

11600 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, Va. 22091.

National Association of Hispanic Journalists Scholarships.

Several $1,000 scholarships are awarded each academic year to students interested in pursuing careers in the media. Scholarships are open to high school seniors, and college juniors, seniors and graduate students. Applicants are judged on financial need, scholastic achievement, journalism ability and commitment to the field. Deadline for is Jan. 1. To request application forms, students must write to NAHJ in the fall at:

National Press Building
Suite 1193
Washington, D.C. 20045.

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

National Press Club Ellen Masin Persina Scholarship.

Open to all minority high school seniors who have maintained a 2.75 GPA and are planning to pursue a career in journalism. The $2,500 grant may be used at the college of the recipient's choice and is renewable for up to four years if a 2.5 GPA is maintained. To apply, students must send an application and a one-page essay on why he/she wants to pursue a journalism career. For an application, write to:

Ellen Masin Persina Scholarship
National Press Club
529 14th St. NW
Washington, DC 20045

Application deadline is Feb. 1.

National Newspaper Publishers Association Grants.

Provides information and helps administer grants for minority college students pursuing journalism careers. Several grants valued at $2,000 each are awarded annually. For information write:

NNPA Scholarship Committee
3200 13th St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20010
(202) 588-8764.

Native American Journalists Association Scholarships.

Two $2,500 scholarships awarded to Native American students pursuing a degree in broadcast journalism and four $2,000 scholarships awarded to Native American students studying print or photojournalism. Applicants must send a cover letter containing name, address, phone number, parents' name, applicant's college plans, year in school, major, and statement of plans after college; proof of tribal enrollment; official transcripts; one recommendation from academic adviser, counselor or professional familiar with applicant's background; samples of work. Applications due March 31. Send materials to:

Native American Journalists Association
1433 E. Franklin Ave.
Suite 11
Minneapolis, Minn. 55404
(612) 874-8833.

Newspaper Association of America Foundation Minority Fellowship Program.

Funds to pay for travel, lodging and training fees will be provided to minority newspaper employees or members of journalism faculties to attend newspaper-related training conferences and seminars. Fellowships are awarded twice a year-June and December. Approximately 30 fellows are selected each year. Students are not usually eligible though occasional exceptions are made for graduate students with some professional experience. Potential candidates who wish to nominate themselves, or newspapers and journalism school administrators who wish to nominate someone else, should write to:

NAA Foundation
11600 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, Va. 22091
(703) 648-1053.

Thomson Fellowships.

Thomson newspapers offers one-year working fellowships for recent college or university graduates who plan to pursue a career in print journalism. Two of the three fellowships are available to members of racial or ethnic minority groups in the United States. Fellows are assigned to the editorial staff of daily newspapers where training and evaluation are provided. Upon completion of the fellowships, fellows are assisted in finding a full-time position with Thomson Newspapers. However, fellows are not required to work for a newspaper in the group. Fellowships carry a $20,000 stipend; the company pays moving expenses. Application deadline is May 1. For information, write:

Jim Jennings, Senior Vice President
Human Resources and Industrial Relations
Thomson Newspapers
One Station Place
Stamford, Conn. 06902
(203) 425-2520; FAX (203) 425-2516

The SNPA Minority Internship Program


The Southern Newspaper Publishers Association will award $2,500 each to three of its member newspapers for the purpose of establishing summer internships for students who are racial minorities. The full $2,500 is to be used to pay an intern for a nine-week period beginning in June. Completed application forms and a letter of recommendation from the nominating newspaper publisher must be submitted to the SNPA office. Applications are NOT accepted directly from students or colleges.


Four scholarships of $5,000 each will be awarded annually by the Arab American Institute Foundation to selected students of Arab descent who are committed to a career in journalism. Applicants must have a grade-point average of at least 3.30. Academic achievement , financial need, and community service will be considered.



The School of Media & Communication at WKU is ACEJMC accredited for majors in Broadcasting, Journalism and Visual Journalism & Photography.



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 Last Modified 9/23/19