Student Organizations
Outside of class, we create the feeling of family through organizations where our students work and hang out together. Each organization has its own culture and ‘feel.’ You will find a place to belong here.
The American Advertising Federation protects and promotes the well-being of advertising. We accomplish this through a unique, nationally-coordinated grassroots network of advertisers, agencies, media companies, local advertising associations and college chapters.
Here's what the AAF does:
Brings members together to yield creative business solutions.
Protects and promotes advertising at all levels of government through grassroots activities.
Educates members on the latest trends in technology, creativity and marketing.
Provides programs to assist local association volunteer leadership.
Encourages young people to enter the advertising business.
Honors advertising excellence.
Enhances advertising by encouraging the recruitment of individuals from a wide array of cultural backgrounds.
Applies the communication skills of its members to help solve community concerns.

- Associate Professor
- FAC 253
- 270-745-5838
- Advertising Interactive/Digital Advertising, Print Design
- UX AR/VR, Coding for Designers
Honor society for students in all School of Journalism & Broadcasting majors. The organization's objective is to "form a bond of union between students of unusual achievement in the leading Schools and Departments of Journalism and Mass Communication." Members agree to serve as mentors to incoming and transfer students and to assist at academic advising sessions. The Kappa Tau Alpha faculty advisor is Professor Brad Pfranger. (
Lambda Pi Eta is the official communication studies honor society of the National Communication Association (NCA). Lambda Pi Eta was founded in 1985 at the University of Arkansas. We became a part of the NCA in 1988, and the official honor society of the NCA in July 1995. We represent what Aristotle described in his book, Rhetoric, as the three ingredients of persuasion: Logos meaning logic, Pathos relating to emotion, and Ethos defined as character credibility and ethics.
We have nearly 420 active chapters at colleges and universities worldwide. The Rho Nu chapter was founded by Katie Breiwa and Dr. Ellen Bonaguro in 2004. The first members were inducted on October 20, 2004. The class included 22 students and one honorary faculty member, Dr. Sally Hastings.
Rho Nu Chapter Officers - 2019-2020 (WKU Chapter)
President - Kathryn Kirkpatrick
Vice President - Kimber Morris
Scholarship Officers - Jamie Jordan & Gabrielle Short
Treasurer/Public Relations - Rachel Tidwell
Advisor - Dr. Helen Sterk
LPH Induction Ceremony
Communication Department Internship Fair
Faculty Research Panel
Travel to the National Communication Association convention
Life After Graduation Seminar
Etiquette Dinner
Honors Commencement Stole
Participation in Departmental events
Interaction with Visiting Communication Scholars
Service opportunities
Recognition Research opportunities
To recognize, foster and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies
To stimulate interest in the field of communication
To promote and encourage professional development among communication majors
To provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication
To establish and maintain closer relationships between faculty and students
To explore options for graduate education in communication studies
10 Reasons to Join LPH
LPH members enjoy the privilege of working with other outstanding students in the Communication Dept.
LPH encourages the collaboration of faculty and students.
Chapters advisers and student members frequently receive national recognition and prestigious awards for their scholarship.
Students enjoy access to graduate school information.
Chapter advisers and members are encouraged to participate and exhibit leadership in annual conferences and conventions.
Chapter events and activities frequently gain local recognition from their college or university.
Students are creative, resourceful and enthusiastic about planning educational and social activities frequently attracting local and university attention.
Joining LPH is a great way to promote and foster pride for your communication department.
LPH makes important contributions to the department.
The process for becoming a member is quick and easy!
Undergraduate Research Award - And Undergraduate Research Award can be given at any time during the academic year to any student who completes an outstanding research project that contributes to a richer dialogue in the discipline. Each award recipient receives a plaque, letter of recommendation from the NCA, and his or her name and the title of the research project published on the NCA website.
Lambda Pi Eta Chapter of the Year - How chapters demonstrate and facilitate the Lambda Pi Eta goals is what makes each chapter unique. The six goals are all important as is raising enough funds to take action. The chapters that best exemplifies each of these goals is awarded the Chapter of the Year Award. The chapter honored with this distinction in turn serves as an example to the other chapters throughout the United States.
Stephen A. Smith Award - Many undergraduates are presenting at national conferences both at the professional and undergraduate levels. Lambda Pi Eta recognizes this new found excellence in undergraduate research by sponsoring a Lambda Pi Eta program at the annual National Communication Association convention. All papers selected for the convention go through a rigorous selection process. Out of the papers selected for presentation at the NCA Annual Convention, two awards will be given to the undergraduate student (or students, if co-authored) presenting the top-ranked papers. The winner must be a member in good standing of LPH.
The student chapter provides students with a direct link to working press photographers. Student members attend flying short courses, workshops and seminars relating to all aspects of photojournalism. Members also play a major role in the annual Mountain Workshop, during which professional and student photographers document the activities of a small community and produce a photo book about the community. The NPPA faculty advisor is Professor James Kenney. (
The WKU chapter of NABJ seeks to empower those in the broadcasting, public relations, print journalism, photojournalism and marketing disciplines with the journalistic tools needed and networking opportunities to be successful once they graduate. This organization is open to all students. The faculty adviser is Ryan Dearbone.
PRSSA is a student society that provides opportunities for extended classroom and professional leadership and development experience at the local, district and national level. The Kelly Thompson Chapter sponsors regular meetings, with area and national professionals as guest speakers and seminars and workshops.
Why join PRSSA?
Meet people in your major, network with PR professionals, and discover internships and job opportunities. Discuss emerging topics on the Public Relations landscape such as technology, artificial intelligence, social media and more.
Starting in 2025, we will be participating in national and international PR competitions which are sponsored through the PRSSA.
Membership Dues
The annual dues are $55 and are used to help fund an annual trip and to provide support for our meetings.
Steven Momorella (
RTDNA is the only organization in the world dedicated exclusively to serving the electronic journalism profession. Celebrating more than 50 years of service, RTDNA represents local and network news executives in broadcasting, cable and other electronic media in more than 30 countries. Through RTDNA's programs, publications, products and services, the association's members stay on top of trends in the electronic news industry, keep informed about technological innovations, expand their professional networks, stay in touch with issues affecting the industry and enhance their journalistic skills. About 20 percent of RTDNA's membership is comprised of students. Student fees are less than a professional membership. Students participate in field trips to regional media outlets, work on campus radio and television news programs, participate when guest speakers visit campus, and attend the annual RTDNA convention. The annual convention features many prominent network professionals who conduct seminars on delivery, writing, news judgment, ethics, the job market and more. It is also an opportunity for students to have their tapes critiqued. The RTDNA faculty advisor is Professor Brad Pfranger. (
Students interested in journalism or photojournalism careers are encouraged to join the Western Kentucky chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. Student memberships may be transferred to professional chapters upon graduation. Monthly meetings offer sessions with professionals. Members of the chapter attend both the national and regional conventions, sponsor an annual employment seminar and conduct a Kentucky High School Mark of Excellence competition for writers and photographers. The SPJ faculty adviser is not assigned, yet.
The Storm Team is a University volunteer organization made up of students with a keen interest in the weather. Many of the members have a major in broadcasting and/or meteorology. The mission is to provide the campus of Western Kentucky University and the city of Bowling Green severe weather coverage. In the event of severe weather, the Storm Team broadcasts live responsible, accurate, precise severe weather information on WWHR-FM 91.7 and on WKU's Cable Channel12. Visit their website at: The Storm Team faculty advisor is Professor Brad Pfranger.