Bachelor of Arts in Communication
WKU COMM: Connect, Collaborate, Captivate
The Communication major prepares students to understand and apply communication theories and concepts that explain human interaction across contexts and provides students a platform for understanding the diverse ways communication creates, maintains, and transforms relationships, organizations, institutions, and society. Communication graduates possess strong interpersonal, writing, and critical-thinking skills, which are highly valued in a wide array of fields. Therefore, they have the flexibility to explore diverse career paths and industries according to their interests and specialties. Recent graduates hold positions in Corporate Communication, Sales, Nonprofit Management, Social Media Management, Digital Content Creation, and Employee Relations.
Students will complete a set of core courses covering different aspects of the discipline including organizational, interpersonal, and intercultural communication. Additionally, students select courses on message strategies such as persuasion and crisis communication, specialized contexts such as health, sport, and leadership, and other electives tailored to different interests and career goals.
- Analyze communication within organizations, relationships, and society.
- Construct and present messages appropriately adapted to specific contexts and audiences.
- Develop strategic, theoretically informed communication plans addressing organizational, relational, or societal issues.
Communication 4-Year Degree Path
Comm Studies (Prior to Aug. 24)
Corp & Org (Suspended as of 24)
Suspended as of 2022
The minor in communication studies requires 24 hours of course work and helps students to develop competencies in analyzing communication situations, constructing and presenting messages, and adapting to specific contexts. Students pursuing the minor will complete a core group of five classes and then select three electives.
Required Core Courses (15 Hours)
(Prerequisite classes are listed in parenthesis)
COMM 200: Communication Foundations (COMM 145, ENG 100)
COMM 345: Advanced Public Speaking (COMM 145)
COMM 348: Interpersonal Communication (COMM 200 or ENG 300)
COMM 362: Organizational Communication (COMM 200 or ENG 300)
COMM 463: Advanced Intercultural Communication
Choose one elective from each of the following areas (At least six hours must be upper
division courses; 9 Hours Total)
Organizational Communication (3 Hours):
COMM 330: Leadership Communication
COMM 349: Small Group Communication
COMM 462:Advanced Organizational Communication (COMM 200 or ENG 300)
Interpersonal Communication (3 Hours):
COMM 240: Effective Listening
COMM 374: Gender and Communication
COMM 448: Advanced Interpersonal Communication (COMM 348)
COMM 450: Family Communication (COMM 348)
Public Communication (3 Hours):
COMM 245: Argumentation/Debate
COMM 247: Voice & Diction
COMM 346: Persuasion (COMM 200 or ENG 300)
COMM 388: Seminar in Political Communication
Students may opt to substitute COMM 300: Introduction to Communication Research Methods
in fulfillment of a Communication Elective.
For students looking to double major, these partner programs can help build your skills.
Joint Undergraduate & Master’s Program (JUMP) in Communication
The School of Media & Communication offers a Joint Undergraduate-Master's Degree Program (JUMP) into the Master of Arts in Organizational Communication. The JUMP program provides a unique opportunity for academically outstanding students to complete and advanced degree in five academic years.
Qualified students who have been admitted to a JUMP program may begin taking graduate courses as early as their junior year. Contingent on satisfactory academic progress, students will then be admitted into the graduate program upon completion of the undergraduate degree at which point they will be fully classified as graduate students.
JUMP Admission Requirements
To be eligible for the program, students must meet the following criteria:
Enrollment in the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies or Corporate and Organizational Communication
Cumulative GPA of 3.50
Recommendation of a faculty member/advisor
Completion of at least 60 hours and no more than 96 hours
Submission of an academic writing sample
After Acceptance
Special circumstances involving personal hardships may arise affecting a student’s ability to complete the JUMP program. JUMP students who have reached 120 credit hours and the total credit hour requirements for the B.A. degree in Communication Studies or Corporate and Organizational Communication (including joint credit) may appeal to the Department of Communication who may recommend to Potter College of Arts and Letters that coursework taken in the JUMP program for graduate credit be counted toward satisfaction of the undergraduate degree requirements, thereby allowing a B.A. degree to be awarded. Graduate credit used toward completion of the baccalaureate degree must adhere to WKU’s policy for Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses. Students must document these hardships in their appeal. Poor class performance is not considered a hardship.
Click here to learn about our Master of Arts in Organizational Communication.
For more information, contact:
- (270) 745-4144
- JRH 216