The world of journalism is changing. However, the need for excellent journalists is not. The major in journalism grounds its curriculum in the skills that all employers within the news media and professional communications want: strong writing and editing skills; excellent storytelling skills; the ability to find and process complex information, and share it in a way that helps others understand it; and the ability to deal on a face-to-face basis with diverse audiences.
The core of the curriculum remains reporting, writing and editing for print and the Web. A dedicated and talented faculty with strong professional careers in journalism teaches these courses. That core is joined by a range of classes aimed at developing a foundation in multimedia storytelling: digital photojournalism, audio-visual gathering and editing; and Web site development and content delivery. Experts from all units throughout the SMC teach these classes. Ethical and professional standards, and emphasis on First Amendment principles and media law concepts are incorporated throughout the curriculum to complete the package.
Students in the journalism major graduate prepared for work at any news media outlet or for any position in professional communications. Along the way, they get one-on-one academic and career advising from the journalism faculty — and the knowledge and skills to make a difference.
Specific objectives are to:
Prepare students for professional careers in the media.
Instill in students a high degree of professionalism, which consists principally of practical competence and ethical understanding.
Enhance students' understanding of the role of the news media in a democratic society.
Prospective majors take no more than 15 hours in the major before admission. Students must meet the following requirements for admission:
Completion of a minimum of 24 hours of course work applicable to a baccalaureate degree;
A minimum overall grade point average of 2.5;
Completion of ENG 100 with a grade of “C” or better and nine additional hours in the Colonnade Program;
Completion of the following courses with a grade of “C” or better: SJB 101, 102 and JOUR 202.
Students not meeting the above admission requirements will not be admitted to an SMC major and cannot register for any additional courses in the major.
The major in journalism requires 42 semester hours and leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree. No course with a grade of "D" or below can be counted toward the major or fulfill prerequisite requirements. One-half of the hours in the major must be at the 300- or 400-level. In addition to meeting institutional requirements for graduation, the Journalism Major must have a minor or second major, or certificate.
The minor in journalism writing requires a minimum of 21 hours. Students pursing the minor can gain valuable knowledge and skills in professional media writing and journalistic storytelling. Half the hours in the minor must be 300- or 400-level courses.
For more information, contact:
- (270) 745-4144
- JRH 216
Set your sights high.
WKU's Journalism program equips students with valuable skills that open doors to a wide range of exciting job opportunities.
- Reporters (all areas of news)
- Copy editors
- Visual journalists (photography, audio, video, multimedia)
- Media designers
- Website managers and producers
- Marketing/promotion
- Media production
- Technical Writer
- Freelance Writer
- Creative Writer
- Radio programming/production
- Advertising/ Marketing
The School of Media & Communication at WKU is ACEJMC accredited for majors in Broadcasting, Journalism and Photojournalism.