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Library Media Specialist Concentration

Libraries, Informatics and Technology in Education REF #0497

Requirements for the MS in Libraries, Informatics and Technology in Education: The Libraries, Informatics, and Technology in Education requires 30 semester hours of courses within which a research tool requirement is satisfied. Courses on a student’s approved program of study must be completed within a period of six years from the date of enrollment in the first course(s).

  • Master of Science in LITE (30 hours): All students will earn School Librarian certification (upon passing Praxis) AND the Instructional Computer Technology Endorsement
    • LITE 501 Program Organization
    • LITE 512 Issues in Libraries, Informatics, and Technology in Education
    • LITE 506 Organization of Information
    • LITE 508 Informatics in Education
    • LITE 535 Survey of Educational Technology Practices
    • LITE 537 Principles of Educational Technology Applications
    • LITE 518 Advanced Children’s Literature
    • LITE 527 Advanced Young Adult Literature
    • Restricted Elective: Choose one other educational technology course: LITE 545, LITE 547, LITE 550, LITE 737
    • LITE 590 Practicum


  • Instructional Computer Technology Endorsement (12 Hours):
    • Required:
      • LITE 535
      • LITE 537
      • LITE 508
    • Choose ONE of the following:
      • LITE 545
      • LITE 547
      • LITE 550
      • LITE 737

Research Tool: The research tool requirement is met by successful completion of LITE 508.

Capstone Courses: The professional portfolio is the capstone requirement for the program. Students complete the portfolio as part of the practicum course (LITE 590).

Transfer Credit: No more than 12 hours of previous equivalent graduate coursework, whether transferred from another institution or from a previous master’s degree from WKU (or a combination of the two), or as a non-degree seeking student at WKU can be used to fulfill program and research tool requirements. Transferred courses cannot be older than 6 years by the time the requirements for the degree are completed. Transfer credit cannot be used in place of LITE 537 Principles of Educational Technology Applications because it requires development and implementation of an instructional design project that is a foundational component of the LITE 590 Practicum.

Certification Examination (PRAXIS II): While a certification examination is not a requirement for the Master of Science in LITE, Kentucky does require a passing score on the PRAXIS II Subject Assessments-Library Media Specialist for certification as a school media librarian. Students outside of Kentucky are responsible for determining the requirements for certification in their states.



Gary A. Ransdell Hall, Office 1005

1906 College Heights Blvd. #11030,
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030

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 Last Modified 9/11/18