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Contact Us

  • (270) 745-4158
    Toll Free: (800) 535-5926
    Fax: (270) 745-3623
  • ondemand@wku.edu
  • South Campus Academic Wing C170
    2355 Nashville Rd.
    Bowling Green, KY 42101-1084

Frequently Asked Questions

Enrollment in WKU On Demand courses does not require formal admission to Western Kentucky University. The ACT is not a requirement for enrollment in self-paced on demand courses. In the absence of ACT scores, a standardized placement exam may be needed in order to satisfy certain course pre-requisite requirements. Taking on demand courses does not constitute formal admission to the university.

Students may take up to four on demand courses at one time. However, due to the self-paced nature of our courses, we recommend taking no more than two WKU On Demand courses at one time.

Financial aid may cover your WKU On Demand course, but we cannot guarantee that financial aid will reimburse you for the course. We still require payment at the time of registration for our courses. Student Financial Assistance has an agreement for you to sign that states that you will complete your course within the semester. Not completing your course within the semester may hurt your financial assistance in the future. For more information contact the Student Financial Assistance Office at (270) 745-2755. Be advised that if you use financial assistance to cover an on demand course, you must have that course completed two weeks prior to the end of the semester in which you enroll. The specific dates of completion will be listed in the approval email you receive from Student Financial Assistance. You may also contact our office for these dates.

Textbooks are available at The WKU Store in Downing University Center. You may order by phone with a credit card at 1-800-444-5155 or online at www.wkustore.com. Be sure to specify the course section number to ensure you get the correct book. All WKU On Demand courses have a section number of 970.

WKU On Demand course credit will be counted as part of your total load for the semester in which you enrolled. You cannot register for more than 19 hours in a semester without special permission from the Registrar. Credits through WKU On Demand will help to show that you are a full-time student for insurance purposes. Financial aid only counts the hours for WKU On Demand if an agreement has been signed stating that the student will complete the course within the semester.

A course is complete when the final grade is reported to the Registrar’s Office. All course requirements, including the final exam, should be submitted for grading at least three weeks prior to graduation of any other deadline. If your course is NOT completed within this time frame, it may be reported past the deadline for graduation.

You may repeat a course only after receiving special permission from the department head of the subject area for the class. We must receive written permission before we will enroll you in this course. Please note: It is the policy of the Modern Languages Department to not give permission for students to take the on demand Spanish course after having previously failed the course.
Yes, you must submit the Course Withdrawal Form. You may withdraw from a WKU On Demand course within the first four months of enrollment. A ‘W’ will show up on your transcript. A student may not withdraw from their course after the first four months of enrollment or after having taken their final exam or completed all the course work required. If you fail to complete the course within the time frame, an F for non-completion will be recorded. 
 If you find yourself short of time at the end of the nine months limit, you may request an extension.  The extension fee is currently $75.00. An extension is for three months and dates from the original expiration date. You must purchase the extension before your class expires to avoid receiving an F for non-completion.
 Web courses are completed online. You must have high speed Internet access to participate in these courses. Dial-up Internet service is NOT recommended. All course content is delivered to the student online and all assignments are submitted via the Internet.



Information about accreditation can be found through the Office of the Provost.

 Last Modified 9/8/20