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  • (270) 745-4158
    Toll Free: (800) 535-5926
    Fax: (270) 745-3623
  • ondemand@wku.edu
  • South Campus Academic Wing C170
    2355 Nashville Rd.
    Bowling Green, KY 42101-1084

How to Be a Successful On Demand Student

On demand is a convenient yet rigorous learning option. On demand classes work within the busy schedules of working students, but it takes self-motivation and discipline.

Enhance your On Demand Success with These Tips:

  1. Ask for help. Taking an on demand course can be overwhelming at first. If you have questions about the course and its content, contact your instructor. Technical questions should go to the WKU Help desk. We are always here to help at 270-745-4158 or by email if you don't know who else to contact. 

  2. Read the syllabus. The syllabus is critical; it’s the road map for the entire course, so get to know it well. Print a copy and read through it...twice.
    • Set a personal goal for when you would like to complete the course. Put all assignment due dates on your calendar, as well as reminders. 
    • Once the course begins, review assignment instructions and discussion topics at the beginning of each week and consult grading guidelines. You’ll be amazed how much easier assignments become once you’re familiar with the instructions.

  3. Manage your time wisely. The freedom and flexibility of the on demand environment require planning, organization and responsibility. It takes commitment to keep up. 
    • Use the first few days of your course to become familiar with expectations and make a schedule. Tasks can include reading, studying, writing, conducting research, responding to discussion boards, meeting virtually in groups and other learning activities.
    • Remember: Once you get behind in a course, it’s challenging to catch up. Expect to invest a minimum of two hours of work for each hour of instruction per week. 

  4. Communicate frequently. On demand classes require students to be strong communicators through email, discussion boards and chat rooms. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your instructor or fellow classmates if you have questions or need help. Access our award-winning Student Resource Portal for additional aids to help you stay on track.



Information about accreditation can be found through the Office of the Provost.

 Last Modified 9/8/20