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First-time freshmen are defined as either graduating high school seniors or individuals who have not earned any college credit post-high school graduation (except for summer credits at the institution where they plan to enroll in the Fall).

To qualify for automatic scholarships, students must intend to enroll full-time at WKU in the Summer or Fall semester of 2024 and submit a complete application to the Admissions Office.

The TOPDollar Scholarship Source provides scholarship opportunities that are available for all students at Western Kentucky University. TOPDollar includes numerous scholarships that are awarded by the College Heights Foundation through private funds established by alumni and friends, academic departments or programs throughout the University, or by community organizations and professional associations. 

We encourage students to complete their TopDollar Application as early as possible each year. 

By completing the TOPDollar Scholarship Application, students will automatically be matched to any scholarship for which they meet the requirements. Being matched to a scholarship does not guarantee a student will be selected to receive an award for that scholarship. Students selected for TOPDollar scholarships will be notified by email of the award details and instructions for accepting the award.     

Although a majority of departmental scholarships are found in TOPDollar, students can check with their department and college to see if there are any additional scholarship opportunities available.

Please visit the WKU Scholarships website to find out more info.


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 Last Modified 9/5/24