Minor in Photojournalism
Minor in Photojournalism (effective November 2020)
A minor in Photojournalism will enable students to obtain technical and aesthetic skills in visual storytelling. Emphasis will be placed on mastering the functions of the camera; learning software pertaining to digital image management, processing, and design; using documentary photographs to tell stories; practicing lighting techniques that contribute to visual content; surveying the historical and cultural aspects of photography; and analyzing the ethical implications of the visual medium.
There are five core courses and two electives required for a total of 21 hours to
complete the minor.
Core Courses (15 hours)
PJ 131 Fundamentals of Photography (3)
PJ 331 Photojournalism (3)
PJ 333 Lighting Technologies (3)
PJ 336 Picture Editing (3)
PJ 390 Cultural History of Photography (3)
Elective Courses (6 hours):
PJ 261 Mobile Media Storytelling (3)
PJ 330 Short Form Documentary (3)
PJ 431 Advanced Photojournalism (3)
PJ 439 Advanced Lighting and Contract Photography (3)One elective must be chosen from the PJ courses above. The second elective can either
be taken from this list or chosen from a 200-level or above School of Media course
approved by a Photojournalism faculty advisor.
For more information on the new minor, contact Professor James Kenney at james.kenney@wku.edu.