Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
Faculty Senate Meeting
Thursday, April 18, 2024 -- 3:45 p.m.
Hybrid Meeting: DSU 2081 and ZOOM
ZOOM LINK: https://wku.zoom.us/j/92436448000
Please note, there is no pre-registration. The zoom link is live.
For those new to this technology, see: https://www.wku.edu/its/zoom/
A. Approval of previous months Senate Meeting:
1. Faculty Senate Minutes 3-28-24
B. Officer Reports
1. Chair - Susan Eagle
2. Vice-Chair - Doug Smith
3. Secretary - Dan Strunk
C. Standing Committee Reports:
1. Academic Quality, Patricia Todd, Chair (Report Posted)
a. Policy Revision: 1.4035 Engagement Requirements for Hour of Credit 2024
2. Budget and Finance, Eric Kondratieff, Chair (Report posted)
3. Colonnade/General Education, Stacey Forsythe, Chair (Report posted)
a. Proposed Policy: Artifact policy
4. Faculty Welfare and Professional Responsibilities, Landon Elkind, Chair (Report posted)
a. Policy Revision: Summer and Winter Sessions Compensation
5. Graduate Council, Sara Bonis, Chair (Report posted)
a. Proposed Revisions: Graduate Council Bylaws
6. Graduate Curriculum Committee, Whitley Stone, Chair (Report posted)
7. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Shelia Flener, Chair (Report posted)
a. Proposed Revisions: UCC Bylaws
8. Faculty Handbook, Julie Shadoan, Chair (Report posted)
a. Proposed Revision: All Handbook, blanket revision
b. Proposed Revision: II.W. Consulting, Outside Employment and Other Professional Activities
i. Supporting Documentation: Academic Affairs Policy 1.1500
c. Proposed Revision: II.X. Faculty Evaluation
d. Proposed Revision: III.A. Introduction, Faculty Rank and Promotion
e. Proposed Revision: IV.B.3. Policies and Procedures for Continuance and Tenure Recommendations
D. Other Committee/Organization Reports:
1. American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
2. Budget and Executive Committee (BEC)
3. Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership (COSFL)
4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Molly Kerby, Chair
E. Advisory Member Reports:
1. Faculty Regent, Shane Spiller
2. Provost, Robert "Bud" Fischer
3. SGA President, Sam Kurtz
F. Old Business:
1. Proposed Revision, Senate Charter (First Reading)
2. Academic Policy Revision: Faculty Workload and Compensation
G. New Business:
1. Policy Revision: 1.5173 Staff Teaching Assignments
2. Policy Revision: 1.4041 Regular and Substantive Interaction in Distance Learning Courses
3. Caucus