Study Abroad Calendar
- Location: Grise Hall 141
- Time: 2:30pm
Want to study abroad but don’t know where to begin? Come and get general information about programs offered, the application process, and funding options.
- Location: Grise Hall 143
- Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Want an international experience but can’t afford the program you want? Come learn about the various programs that send students abroad for little or no money whatsoever! Programs include teaching, volunteer, and other work/study abroad opportunities!
- Location: Grise Hall 128
- Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Do you have questions about study abroad programs, applications, visa processes, or anything else pertaining to study abroad and haven't set up an appointment with an advisor? No problem! Come by our office to chat with study abroad staff and student representatives and get some sweet treats.
- Location: Grise Hall 141
- Time: 3:30pm
Do you have at least a 3.2 GPA? Are you interested in an experience of a lifetime? Attend our Harlaxton group advising session to find out more information!
- Location: Grise Hall 141
- Time: 4:30pm
Want to study abroad but don’t know where to begin? Come and get general information about programs offered, the application process, and funding options.
- Location: Grise Hall 141
- Time: 2:00pm
Do you have at least a 3.2 GPA? Are you interested in an experience of a lifetime? Attend our Harlaxton group advising session to find out more information!
- Location: Grise Hall 141
- Time: 7:00pm
All future exchange students are encouraged to join this Q&A session with SAGL exchange student mentors. Previous WKU exchange students share their experiences, tips and tricks! This session will help prepare you for your upcoming exchange program.
- Location: Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Center (FAC)
- Time: 8:30am - 5:15pm
Schedule of Events:
8:30-9:45AM: Plenary Session, FAC Recital Hall
10:00-11:15AM: New Perspectives on Latin America, FAC 146
10:00-11:15AM: International Politics, FAC 156
Break for Lunch: 11:15AM-1:00PM
1:00-2:15PM: World Cinema, FAC 156
1:00-2:15PM: Crossing Boundaries: Communication and Diversity, FAC 149
2:30-3:45PM: Global Theater Pecha Kucha Session! FAC 156
4:15-5:15PM: Keynote Address, Grise Auditorium (light refreshments to follow-- Alfredo Jaar, It Is Difficult
- Location: Grise Hall Auditorium
- Time: 4:15pm
Alfredo Jaar, an artist, architect, and filmmaker who lives and works in New York, will speak about his art, which probes the impact of war, genocide, famine, economic inequality, and environmental pollution around the world, and engages the peril of what it means to merely witness, but not to act.
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